Just to state it for the readers here as well: the bottle *can* be shaken, it doesn't have to be. Ozone therapy is used by doctors and sports teams across the globe to treat illness and injury. You took the time to explain how my pelvis and hip were affecting my legs. These treatments go far deeper than addressing symptoms, and actually help your body do what it was designed to do.. This means that it increases mitochondrial output of energy. If you suffer from any of the above conditions, or are curious about the effect of EBOO on your condition, please contact the American Regenerative Clinic to find out if EBOO is right for you. There are essentially two types of systemic ozone therapy treatments: autohemotherapy (IV ozone therapy) and rectal insufflation. Is there any info on 10 pass increasing IGG subclasses? This protects the red blood cells from being damaged when shaken. Herpes Simplex virus 2 (genital herpes) is similar to HSV-1 in appearance and discomfort, but only manifests on or around the genitals or rectum. I will definately keep an eye on your posts. Have you been retested since? If there is amalgam, it should show. I need a doctor who practices this method with good results for multi sclerosis. Its ability to disinfect, aid blood flow and produce anti-inflammatory effects is why ozone therapy is exceptionally effective. You then said youd fix me right up and proceeded to do just that! If doctors been using Zotzman and Herrmann forever for perform MAHs, the change between a MAH and a pass would be the oxygen added? As a result, the 10 Pass method is also called the Lahodny or Zotzmann method, or Ozone High Dose Therapy (OHT, or Ozonhochdosistherapie in German). I did one 10 pass in my life and only during a seminar, just to be able to say that I did it. Hi Miles. But I agree that the high doses of heparin are a risk and the side effects are often underreported. He says that best results are achieved with a combination of both methods. Our approach is specific to your body. Afterwards, the blood is reinserted into the patient using positive pressure. Apparently it can put the virus into a dormant phase comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment More posts you may like . It is possible that the body aches you experienced after the 10 pass are due to heparin. The Ozone High Dose is not a home application. Thanks. The same method has to be repeated 10 times within the same session. Now, lets understand the possible effectiveness of 10 Pass Ozone therapy in the treatment of Lyme. And not everyone has the veins which are required to successfully perform all 10 passes. High Dose Vitamin C- Effects and Conditions Treated. Unlike oral herpes, which can be contracted as young as infancy, HSV-2 is a sexually transmitted disease. I was on early disability due to migraines. Miles said the doctor he used was Dr. Birch in Santa Barbara. This website serves as a resource for those who are interested in ozone therapy and other approaches to successfully manage chronic conditions. For the most part, conventional medicine offers no cure for herpes, other than medication to ease the symptoms. I give 4000 units the first pass and then 500 units with each additional pass. Ozone / UVBI Combo & Double Combo. In the next installment I will answer the question whether the 10 pass can cure Lyme disease. Ozone gas can recruit white blood cells to infected areas, as well as improve the circulation of blood. The technician never once removed the bottle from the hook and vigorously shook it. One 10 pass treatment can cure multiple ailments. Curious to know if it helped. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. But how does ozone reinfuse the body with the energy needed to fight disease and illness? $180. Ozone therapy has been around for around 150 years, so I think if there was strong indication of it doing harm long term, it would have become evident by now, but who knows . Major Autohemotherapy (MAH) is a procedure during which blood is drawn, mixed with an ozone/oxygen mix, and then reinserted into the patient. Does Dr. Lahodny use Herrmann machine for his ozone high dose therapy? Simply speaking, 10 Pass IV Ozone therapy acts as a booster and accelerated the recovery process for cancer patients. Hi This prevents air bubbles from entering the patient's vein. Who was performing the demo with which machine? If you want to have access to the whole list, you will have to join one of the groups, though. ozone has quite a good track record with psoriasis in my opinion. What is 10 Pass IV Ozone Therapy? Approximately one out of six people between the ages of 14-49 years in the U.S. have genital HSV-2 infection. It is important to begin by noting how common the herpes simplex virus is in adults around the globe. also to add to last comment, has there every been long-term follow up of people who have used ozone therapy to see if there were any negative effects that showed up years later? . Now ozone gets delivered into the body along with the blood circulation. Human Immunodeficiency Virus is acquired from fluid transmission and causes a wide range of symptoms, including the weakening of the immune system. For patients who are suitable candidates, we offer an in-office therapy known at Ozone 10 pass treatment. yes, I know of two. As to the research to confirm safety of 10 pass: Again, you would have to ask Dr. Lahodny, the inventor. In the case of herpes, ozone therapy is successful in eradicating the virus from the body thus relieving the patient permanently of any fear of recurring outbreaks and agony. Hi Jeff, I heard that for some people ozone could possibly not be good. In 2019, the Food. Some side effects that you should look out for include: LIVV is a health & wellness clinic that specializes in advanced therapies. The rectal administration with high ozone dosages la Lahodny is NOT a substitute for the intravenous OTH, although the Austrian doctor claims that its effect is close. Miracle worker with magic hands. The blood and ozone mix is then vigorously shaken, unlike during normobaric MAH where gentle swishing is indicated in order to not damage the erythrocytes . She has also had some prolozone injections into the joints. Other contraindications are acute heart attack, stroke, or anaemia. If you want to know if your root canal contains mercury, have an x-ray done. HBO3 or Ten Pass Ozone Therapy; Medical Ozone DIV. These include painful blisters, ulcers, and itching around the mouth, anus, vagina, and buttocks. Oxygen helps the body disrupt the replication of the virus, and it conditions the immune system to shield the body from possible inflammation, infection, or even allergies. Ozone also enhances blood flow, which relieves pain and inflammation. It can treat Lyme disease, shingles, recurrent herpes simplex, influenza and pneumonia. Now, lets understand other facts related to 10 Pass IV Ozone therapy. Bonjour Dr. Lahodny also administers a rectal version of the 10 pass: he introduces up to 2 liters of ozone/oxygen mix at an ozone concentration of up to 80 ug/ml into the patients large intestine through the rectum. After a while, this ozonated blood is transferred back into the patients body following all the precautions. The procedure may take up to two hours. This therapy is used in addition to the conventional medical treatments. It's clearly opinioned the DIV's effect is more. Since certain foods may help with the recovery, and other prohibited foods in the diet may escalate the disease or cause a relapse. Filters catch uric acid crystals, cholesterol and even black mold exterminated by the ozone treatment. Genital herpes is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases in the U.S. Once the blood is under positive pressure, ozone is added. These products help to cope with the disease and significantly improve the psychological condition of the patient. So the Ozone High Dose uses over 23 times more ozone than one MAH. Therefore, he added additional organic products for stress and anxiety. The advice is to never remove or cut out any part of your body. Could you tell me how many days or weeks each 10 pass was done, what the cost was for each and list the dr again again it was not visible because of the face icon. Once infected, the virus stays dormant in the body, flaring up occasionally. When conventional medicine fails to treat certain conditions has failed, or a patient is seeking alternative treatment, the 10-Pass method may be an option. 10 Pass Ozone therapy for Lyme aids the process of killing of bacteria, spirochetes, viruses and fungus. This is especially true for people with HIV. It has been recognized that HSV-1 herpes infection can be transmitted to the genital area via oral sex. This process encourages bio-rejuvenation, which has the potential to leave you feeling revitalized and ready to reach new heights. According to the American Regenerative Clinic, Ozone Therapy as it is an effective treatment for viral infections and diseases, particularly Lyme. Often, veins are too weak or too small to withstand the considerable pressure exerted on them and the full 10 passes cannot be completed. It is of great importance in reducing the viral and bacterial load, as a systemic anti-inflammatory, for the reduction in joint pain. Long Island New York. 3. I hold certificates in ozone therapy, hyperbaric ozone applications, Oxyvenierung, and the Andrew Cutler chelation. I was floxed as was my mother and brother. Regarding the diet, committing to a healthy diet contributes to overcoming HSV. Ozone therapies in general have been proven to be very safe. How does the 10 pass ozone treatment compare to other ozone protocols? Herpes is caused by having skin contact with someone who is infected, whether vaginal, oral, or anal. In 10 pass ozone, drawing of blood and oxygenating it with ozone is repeated 10 times. Ozone therapy is a treatment that uses "super-charged" oxygen to ramp up the immune system to fight the virus. Another disadvantage is the use of heparin. HSV-2 increases the chance of contracting and transmitting HIV, and vice-versa. Ozone therapy has been around for decades. Everyday I get calls from potential patients who were diagnosed with Herpes 2 infections. Hi Ron, Its true, Zach is a true miracle worker! The 10 Pass / EBOO / RHP method draws the blood from one arm, through a glass ozone chamber being fed continuous fresh ozone, then returned to the other arm. The one which Dr. Lahondy, a doctor with 50 years of experience, says can cure nearly 100% of all diseases? Chemically it is formed by a triatomic dynamically unstable molecule of oxygen that in gaseous form has a half-life of about one hour at room . Also Check: Does Genital Herpes Go Away On Its Own, Also Check: Over The Counter Herpes Medicine. Hello Paola. Apart from medical ailments, this therapy is also used to treat other disease processes, and symptoms. These blisters are generally uncomfortable, and are often referred to as cold sores or fever blisters. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Functional medicine involves looking at each patient holistically and taking a systems-oriented approach which allows practitioners and patients to collaborate on addressing the underlying causes of their disease, ailments, or symptoms. Now, lets understand the possible effectiveness of 10 Pass Ozone therapy in the treatment of Lyme. In this procedure, pressure is used to protect the red blood cells from damage and also collapse until re-infusion is done. Ever since the late 80's when thanks to ozone, I recovered from Lyme disease I have been a strong proponent of ozone therapies. Thank you and anxiously awaiting your reply. Is there any data to support this? Medical Ozone is a gas that when it enters the body intravenously acts like "glue" to all viruses, bacteria, fungus, yeast, mold, toxins and harmful "free" radicles. A Herxheimer reaction appears to happen less often with IV ozone applications, but still happens often enough in my opinion. and 10 pass is way more ozone than most other ozone therapies. Once the bag is filled with 200 to 220 ml of blood, a positive (hyperbaric) pressure is created inside the bottle. In this procedure, a trained Infusionist will use an IV and other special equipment to take 250 milliliters of blood, infuse it with ozone gas, and then re-administer the ozone-rich blood back into the patient using the IV. If one administers more than 500ml, it has to go extremely slowly, since the more gas is infused, the more the risk of colon rupture increases. I have been doing Direct IV Ozone treatments on and off for over 1o years. During this therapy, ozone is supplied to the body through gas or after dissolving in water to get the desired benefits. 1. During pregnancy, the mother might expose the virus to the baby during birth which affects the childs brain and may cause sometimes blindness. Those can create both negative (vacuum) and positive (hyperbaric) pressure. It includes an immune dysregulation and mitochondrial dysfunction. under positive pressure which saves the red blood cells from damage. HSV-1 usually reflects symptoms like cold sores and blisters around the mouth. Hi Rob, it works for Lyme patients, for some to a lesser, for others to a larger degree. It is shown to improve the body's intake and oxygen use, which activates the immune system. The benefits and risks of the therapy need to be carefully assessed by experts in order to use it as an effective supplementary treatment for the deadly virus. I had this 2 1/2 hour 10-pass yesterday afternoon. Also is there anything else you did to help ? The 10-pass hyperbaric ozone therapy safely delivers a powerful dose of pure ozone to a patient's bloodstream in under 2 hours. Hi Dr. Patel, !, Thank YOU for reading my blog and thank you for all your help! Before the treatments, patients are asked to drink at least 3 glasses (750 ml or 25 oz.) Ozone therapy is the process of administering ozone gas into the body, typically to treat a disease and/or wound. 10 Pass Ozone therapy is scientifically known as Lahody/ Rowen Modified High Dose Therapy. Chelation therapy works quite slowly through a number of infusions, and adding ozone can speed this process up. sorry I missed your comment I am going to healthy healing cyprus for a month of ten pass and rectal ozone I truly understand the comment hurts so good now. Other contraindications are transplanted organs, acute stroke, heart attack, anemia. suffered from stress and depression because of this disease. Though with no promises or guarantees, Ozone has been used all over the world to treat infections that normally cannot be fixed, i.e. Ozone greatly enhances mitochondrial activity. I am now referring everyone to him. I've been on PolyMVA, an alpha lipoid acid polymer for over a year, with good results, AFTER chelating with DMPS, DMSA, and EDTA over a 6 year period. How can I learn more? Once the blood is under positive pressure, ozone is added. For some, two 10-pass treatments per week for up to 10 weeks are needed to get the infection under control, followed by a much more relaxed pace of maintenance treatments. You need to join the Facebook group Ozone to Health. So in my opinion Dr. Bocci should come up with information to back up his theories Update 2019: this appears to be wrong, see this video I made on the topic. What are the disadvantages of the 10 pass ozone therapy? Hi Paola, Using ozone therapy for herpes just helps your body do its job better. The main disadvantage is the price. Thank you for sharing. You only use the vacuum to faciliate the blood draw, it has nothing to do with the ozone treatment itself. Once transferred, this virus may even remain dormant in the body for years. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Ozone therapy is a form of medical treatment that floods the body with controlled amounts of ozone to treat various illnesses and conditions. {so why pay more for less ?}. Since certain foods may help with the recovery, and other prohibited foods in the diet may escalate the disease or cause a relapse. Dr.Reddy 760-559-9278. you can see my availabilities by going through the booking process on this page: https://thepowerofozone.com///book-a-skype-session/ . However, signs and symptoms do not always show in HSV-1 infections. Ozone, in general, effectively works in addressing chronic disorders and in reducing the viral load in a patients body. Approximately one out of six people between the ages of 14-49 years in the U.S. have genital HSV-2 infection. At least 50 million people in the U.S. alone are infected. Major Autohemotherapy the basis of the 10 pass ozone treatment, Hyperbaric pressure protects red blood cells during the 10 pass ozone treatment, It has been found in independent testing that this is the only ozone generator on the market which puts out a precise ozone concentration, but has shown to nevertheless produce less reliable ozone concentrations than its competitor model. Its effects are proven, consistent, safe and with minimal and preventable side effects. The cost is 35,000won (currently $35.00 USD). Ozone is a colorless gas made up of three atoms of oxygen (O3). This site assumes no responsibility for how this material is used. Usually, between 100 and 200 ml of blood are extracted and mixed with an equal volume of gas at an ozone concentration of around 40 ug/ml. Ozone therapy is the process of administering ozone gas into the body with a motive to treat a health condition -a disease or a wound. Thank you, Hello thanks for your article I dont use Facebook where can I get a list of ten pass practitioners in Europe ? 10 Pass / EBOO / RHP Therapy is Transforming The Way We Detox Our Patients & The Healing / Disease Curing Capacity of Biological Medicine -It's a Radical Treatment that Provides Radical Results! Supposedly, this allows for the red blood cells to absorb more oxygen. The 10 Pass method is roughly equal to 10 hyperbaric administrations of Major Autohemotherapy, but at a higher ozone concentration. There are multiple forms of ozone therapy, but systemic treatments are generally the kind of ozone therapy used for herpes. I awoke this morning and felt like I had an alcohol { I do not drink alcohol due to a detox diet] hangover and my whole body ached. Most importantly, medical ozone does not come with any adverse effects or reactions, unlike pharmaceuticals. I have a 20 years old son with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. any ozone therapy can cause a Herxheimer reaction. Bioresonance therapy helps balance the internal organs that ozone targets and thus helps fight herpes infection. Thanks. i guess for 10pass there has been no long-term follow up as its a new therapy, Hi Ron, As with all American Regenerative Clinic procedures, the patients full history is taken into account as well as the patients wants and needs. Herrmann's Medozon Compact is written to be normobaric, but still has vaccum function, how could that be? Trigeminal Neuralgia, local doctors may have found the cure, https://medicalozone.info/wp-content/uploads/rhp1.movie_.mp4, What Foods To Eat To Prevent Herpes Outbreaks, How Soon After Exposure To Herpes Can You Get Tested, Exposure to HSV at mucosal surfaces or abraded skin sites permits viral entry and replication in cells of the epidermis and dermis, During latency, HSV is maintained in a repressed state compatible with the cells survival and normal activities, Infection can be sign of sexual abuse in children, During latency, HSV is maintained in a repressed state compatible with the cells survival and normal activities.