Depending on where you live, you probably see spiders starting to emerge from their hiding spots at some point in the summer. Kabunian: supreme deity and chief among the high ranking deities above the skyworld; Afunijon: also a general term referred to the deities of heaven, which is also called Afunijon, Mah-nongan: also a general term for deities who are given animal sacrifices, Ampual: the god of the fourth skyworld who bestowed animals and plants on the people; controls the transplanting of rice, Bumingi: in charge of worms, one of the eleven beings importuned to stamp out rice pests. Good Press, 2019. Supreme Being: referred to as Mayo, in one account; Mayo: a fisherfolk hero who introduced the yuyus used to catch flying fishes called dibang, which are in turn used to catch the summertime fish arayu, The Giver: the entity who provides all things; the souls of the upper class travel to the beings's abode in heaven and become stars, Aitu: refers to the souls of the dead, place spirits, and wandering invisibles not identified nor tied down to any particular locale or thing, Aitu between Chavidug and Chavayan: place spirit Aitus who were reported to create sounds when the gorge between Chavidug and Chavayan were being created through dynamite explosions; believed to have shifted their residences after the construction of the passage, Rirryaw Aitu: place spirit Aitus who played music and sang inside a cave in Sabtang, while lighting up fire; believed to have change residences after they were disturbed by a man, ji Rahet Aitu: a grinning place spirit Aitu who lived in an old tree; a man later cut the tree and found an earthen pot believed to have been owned by the Aitu, Nuvwan Aitu: good place spirit Aitus who saved a woman from a falling tree; they are offered rituals through the vivyayin, ji P'Supwan Aitu: good place spirit Aitus who became friends and allies of a mortal woman named Carmen Acido; sometimes taking in the form of dogs, they aided her and guided her in many of her tasks until her death from old age; despite their kindness towards Carmen, most people avoided the farm where they live, Mayavusay Aitu: place spirit Aitus living in a parcel of land in Mayavusay; sometimes take in the form of piglets, and can return cut vegetation parts into the mother vegetation, Cairn-dwelling Aitu: place spirit Aitus who lived in cairns and put a curse towards a man who destroyed their home; appearing as humans, the shaman Balaw conversed with them to right the wrong made by the man against their home, Mayuray Aitu: a wandering Aitu who expanded and was filled with darkness; encountered by a young boy who the spirit did not harm; referred as a kapri, Aitus who walk around and grow as tall as the height for their surroundings, Dayanak Aitu: a type of very small Aitu with red eyes and gold ornaments; accepting their gold ornaments will cause misfortune, Benita: a mortal woman who was visited by her deceased husband in the form of an Aitu, which led to the return of three parcels of land to their rightful owner; in another story, she was visited by her deceased goddaughter, which led to proper rituals which appeased her goddaughter's soul, Maria: a mortal woman who was visited by the silent Aitu of her husband's relative; the spirit was later appeased through prayers, Juanito: a mortal man who was visited in a dream by his deceased father's Aitu, which led to him relenting to give more share of the family inheritance to his half-sister, Maring, Wife of Leoncio Cabading: visited by her deceased husband's Aitu, who told her to stop the prayers for it will do nothing as he was killed by a violent landslide; the spirit offered her to join him, to which she rejected, Carmen Acido: a mortal woman who became friends and allies of the Aitu from ji P'Supwan; she lived to over 80 years old, Balaw: a medicine man and shaman who communicated and controlled certain Aitus, Maria Barios: a woman whose back-basket was ridden by a wandering Aitu, who she carried until she arrived at the town center, Juan Galarion: a man who saw a giant wandering Aitu, as large as the church of Mahataw; he believed it was a kapri, Tita: a girl who was kidnapped and later returned by wandering Aitus; while being carried by the Aitus, she menstruated, which made the Aitus flee; the site where she landed is known as Ranum i Tita, Chief Spirits: may take the form of human beings, former mortals who mix with the living, and reside in bathing places, Anlabban: looks after the general welfare of the people; special protector of hunters, Landusan: responsible for some cases of extreme poverty; like all evil spirits, Landusan can also be countered by the rare tagarut herb-amulet, Alupundan: causes the reapers toes to get sore all over and swell, Arurin: deity who sees to it that the harvest is bad if farmers fail to offer to her a share of the harvest, Dagdagamiyan: a female spirit who causes sickness in children for playing in places where the harvest is being done, Darupaypay: devours the palay stored in the hut before it is transferred to the granary, Ginuudan: comes to measure the containers of palay, and causes it to dwindle, Sildado: resembles a horse, and kills children who play noisily outside the house, Inargay: kills people during harvest time; the inapugan ritual of offered to the deity to appease him not to kill anyone, Alipugpug: spirit of the little whirlwind from the burned field, who portends a good harvest, Pilay: spirit of the rice, who resides on the paga, a shelf above the hearth; the pisi ritual is offered to the deity to ensure that children won't get hungry, Unnamed Man: held the world on his hands; produced a spark using a flint and a steel, causing Sal-it (lightning); in contrast, Addug (thunder) is the water roaring in the sky, Man Who Caused Birds to Attack: a man who was aided by birds, by giving him seeds that he was tasked to plant and share with other birds; reneged on his promise, resulting to the never-ending attacks of birds on the seeds planted by mankind, Man Who Hates Flies: a man whose cow was killed by a fly, which resulted into a law that allowed the killing of flies, Bagatulayan: the supreme deity who directs the activities of the world, including the celestial realms, Gomayen: mother of Mabaca, Binongan, and Adasin, Mabaca: one of the three founders of the Tinguian's three ancient clans; daughter of Gomayen and the supreme deity, Binongan: one of the three founders of the Tinguian's three ancient clans; daughter of Gomayen and the supreme deity, Adasin: one of the three founders of the Tinguian's three ancient clans; daughter of Gomayen and the supreme deity, Kadaklan: deity who is second in rank; taught the people how to pray, harvest their crops, ward off evil spirits, and overcome bad omens and cure sicknesses, Apadel (Kalagang): guardian deity and dweller of the spirit-stones called pinaing, Init-init: the god of the sun married to the mortal Aponibolinayen; during the day, he leaves his house to shine light on the world, Gaygayoma: the star goddess who lowered a basket from heaven to fetch the mortal Aponitolau, who she married, Takyayen: child of Gaygayoma and Aponitolaul popped out between Gaygayoma's last two fingers after she asked Aponitolau to prick there, Makaboteng: the god and guardian of deer and wild hogs, Aponibolinayen: mortal spouse of the sun god, Init-init, Aponitolau: mortal who was fetched by the star goddess Gaygayoma, despite him being already married, DumaNig: a demon which possesses the moon (Bolan) and causes her to devour her husband the sun (Ageo), NamBisayunan: the howl or shriek that is heard during a storm, Libo-o d Ngatu: the clouds of the skyworld which cause sickness, Maman: beings derived from a second death of souls in the afterworld; they are perceptible in red light, as on a rainy day near sunset; may cause sickness, Bulaiyao: live in big rocks, hot springs, and volcanoes; have a fiery appearance which they can turn on or turn off; capture or devour souls, Gulilingob ud Tangob: the strongest of all the bulaiyao, Dumabag: the god of the volcano at Balatok, Lumawig: the local god of the Mangali-Lubo-Tinglaiyan district, Angako d Ngato: demons that afflict with sickness, Angtan: goddesses or demons that depress men, bring worry and bad luck, ALan: cannibal or ghoul spirits that figure largely in myths and folktales as carrying away or devouring souls and as producing many kinds of transformations in men and in themselves, Pinading: extraordinary souls of the dead that have attained a superior power and existence, Gittam: a giant who established himself in the realm called Daya after killing many humans; lives in an island out in a big lake, Python of Gittam: protects the habitat of Gittam; swallowed a boy, who was rescued by a hero by killing the giant python, Iyu: water creatures who swim in the lakes of Lagud; depicted as a whale, an eel, a dragon, or, in some cases, a python also called Malaga, Makapangwa: The supreme being also known as "Yafu". Wigington, Patti. They are often depicted with dragon-like features. Arabic and Persian Loanwords in Tagalog. All-Nations Publishing. Lapulapu: a ruler of Mactan who is valorous, strong, and noble, as well as driven and fearless especially in times of armed conflict; in one account, he is also a mangatang (pirate); bested Humabon in politics, trade, and ocean territory in most accounts, while in one account, Humabon managed to overcome Lapulapu; Humabon: a ruler of Sugbo who is cautious and highly respected, but also brave and courageous especially in times of armed conflict; a verified historical person, Sri Lumay Bataugong: the legendary founder of Sugbo who was said to have come from Sumatra, Bulakna: wife of Lapulapu; in other epics, Lapulapu instead has three wives and eleven children, Zula: a ruler that Lapulapu had an enmity with due to both ruler's affection towards Bulakna. [2], Some ethnic groups have pantheons ruled by a supreme deity (or deities), while others revere ancestor spirits and/or the spirits of the natural world, where there is a chief deity but consider no deity supreme among their divinities. patio homes for sale knoxville, tn; valentina lisitsa child When spring rolls around, you'll see bees buzzing around your garden, partaking of the rich pollen in your flowers and herbs. She sometimes acted as a judge in human affairs. Far Eastern University (1967). Alacacin, C. (1952). The Journal of American Folklore. WebNemty - Falcon god, worshipped in Middle Egypt, who appears in myth as a ferryman for greater gods. Assessing environmental conservation on Palawan Island (the Philippines), in D. Anderson and E. Berglund (eds.) Blumentritt, Ferdinand (1895). He was sometimes referred to as the centipede of Horus but was also closely associated with Osiris. Maranaw: Dwellers of the Lake. Holy and Unholy Numbers Ethnography of The Bikol People, ii. Sepa can also appear with the head of a donkey, or mummified with two short horns. Let's start small. Clarendon, 1872. Summer Institute of Linguistics-Philippines, Inc. Hussin, H. (2010). Casal, G. (1986). 1965 Filipino Popular Tales. It is yellow-ish gray and usually has no more than 15 pairs of legs. Page 358. Beljan: the spirits of all beljan (shamans); able to travel to the vertical universe, divided into fourteen different layers, in order to heal the world and to re-establish cosmic balance; Lenggam: demon-like beings of the forest who act as the caretakers of poisonous and biting animals such as scorpions and snakes; Linamin at Barat: the lady-goddess of the monsoon winds, Linamin at Bulag: the lady-goddess of the dry season, Upu Kuyaw: the grandfather god of thunder, Maguimba: the god in the remotests times, lived among the people, having been summoned by a powerful babaylan (shaman); provided all the necessities of life, as well as all cures for illnesses; has the power to bring the dead back to life, Diwata: a benevolent god who provides for the needs of women and men, and gives out rewards for good deeds, Angoro: a deity who lives in Basad, a place beyond this world, where the souls find out whether they will enter the heavens called Lampanag, or be cast into the depths of Basad, Balungbunganin: spirit of the almaciga trees, Esa: an ancestor whose movements created the landscapes, which he named during a hunting journey with his dogs, who were after wild pigs, Baybay: the goddess and master of rice who originated from Gunay Gunay, the edge of the universe; married to Ungaw, Ungaw: the god and master of bees who originated from Gunay Gunay, the edge of the universe; married to Baybay, Panyaen: mystic entities who control certain wild trees and various animals. Apu Namalyari: a deity who lives in Mount Pinatubo; Tigbalog: gives life and directs activities, Amas: moves to pity, love, unity, and peace of heart, Binangewan: spirits who bring change, sickness, and death as punishment, Matusalem: the creator's representatives who act as mediators between the creator and humans since after the great flood, Bacobaco: an ancient turtle who burrowed on top of Mount Pinatubo after its battle with Algao; eruptions occur when it resurfaces, Mangetchay: also called Mangatia; the supreme deity who created life on earth in remembrance of his dead daughter; lives in the sun, Daughter of Mechetchay: a daughter of Mangetchay whose beauty sparked the great war between the gods, leading to the formation of the earth through stones thrown by the deities; lived on the planet Venus, Wife of Mangetchay: wife of Mangetchay who gave birth to their daughter whose beauty sparked the great war; lives in the moon, Suku: also called Sinukwan, a gigantic being who radiated positive traits, Malagu: goddess of beauty who married a mortal; daughter of Makiling and Suku, Mahinhin: goddess of modesty who married a mortal; daughter of Makiling and Suku, Matimtiman: goddess of charm who married a mortal; daughter of Makiling and Suku. Ateneo de Manila University. Juan Jos de Noceda,Pedro de Sanlucar. Jose, V. R. (1974). Protection from snake and scorpion bites is not to be taken lightly. Christina Pratt (2007)., 2016. Encyclopedia of the Philippines: Literature. Ancient Beliefs and Customs of the Tagalogs. Edited by Alejandro, R. G., Yuson, A. Cayat, G. C. Manuscript on Kalanguya Cultural Communities. Jamias, N. F. (1947).A study on Biag ni Lam-ang, the Ilocano epic. list of Philippine mythological creatures, Kapampangan lunar goddess of the same name, "Applicability and importance of Carakas concept of Aaturaparijnana Hetawah in understanding a patient", "Critical review on Bhaishajya Kaala (time of drug administration) in Ayurveda", History of Indian influence on Southeast Asia, Indian cultural influences in early Philippine polities, Visa requirements for Philippine citizens, Indian loanwords in various Filipino languages, Influence of Indian languages on Tagalog language, Sanskrit language loanwords in Tagalog language, Tamil language loanwords in Tagalog language, Sanskrit language loanwords in Cebuano language, Sampaguita Filipino national flower is named from Indian sanskrit Champaka, Central Institute for Research on Buffaloes, Hisar, Haryana, India, Business process outsourcing in the Philippines, Pre-Spanish Indian traditions of Philippines, National Assembly of the Philippines Hall, Kudyapi guitar influenced by the Indian classical music, Filipino martial arts inspired by the Indian martial arts, Alim and Hudhud of Ifugao based on Indian Hindu epics Ramayana and Mahabharta, Hudhud - the Ifugao epic based on the Indian epic Mahabharta, Biag ni Lam-ang Ilocano epic based on the Indian Hindu epics Ramayana and Mahabharta, Ibalong epic of Bicol based on Indian epics Ramayana and Mahabharta, Darangen epic of Maranao people based on Indian epics Ramayana, Dr. Leticia Ramos-Shahani - sister of former President Fidel Ramos is married to an Indian, Janina San Miguel (Binibining Pilipinas 2008), Parul Shah (Binibining Pilipinas Tourism 2014), Dr. Josephine Acosta Pasricha (Indologist),, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Web1Major deities 2Lesser deities 3Primordial beings 4Demigods and heroes 5Spirits and demons 6Legendary beasts Major deities Adador Ishkur - god of storms, venerated as a supreme power especially in Syriaand Lebanon Anshur- head of the Assyrianpantheon, regarded as the equivalent of Enlil Asuang Steals Fire from Gugurang. Manila: Oriental Commercial Company. Today is a Feast Day for Sepa, the centipede god of ancient Egypt. The History of Sumatra: Containing An Account Of The Government, Laws, Customs And / Manners Of The Native Inhabitants. North Atlantic Books, 2010. The Iloilo Zarzuela 19031930. Madrid, 1663. Mayura (mythology) - Wikipedia University of Manila Journal Of East Asiatic Studies, Volumes 7-8. Balancing the Spiritual and Physical Worlds: Memory, Responsibility, and Survival in the Rituals of the Sama Dilaut (Bajau laut) in Sitangkai, Tawi-Tawi, Southern Philippines and Semporna, Sabah, Malaysia. From the Philippines to The Field Museum: A Study of Ilongot (Bugkalot) Personal Adornment. Snpan Singsing: Center for Kapampngan Cultural Heritage. Their favorite prey is small insects, including beetles, termites, beetle larvae, and earthworms. T'boli Art: in its Socio-Cultural Context, pp. An Account of Personhood, Identity and Bodily Knowledge amongst the Batak of Palawan Island (the Philippines). Deities associated with butterflies The Oral Literature of Capiz. The butterfly is one of natures most perfect examples of change, transformation, and growth. Ateneo University Press, 1994. Buenabora, N. P. (1975). Boxer Codex: Edicin moderna. The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc, 2007. I invited Him in to partake of the food and drink and spent most of the time in shrine contemplating what little I had learned of Him and what other parts I was guessing at. Took a bit of self-control not to flinch, either way! University of Manila Journal of East Asiatic Studies, Volume 5. p. 52. Barangay: Sixteenth Century Philippine Culture and Society. Sepa was usually depicted as mummy with the two antenna of a centipede. Sino-Filipino Historico-cultural Relations. Philippine Quarterly of Culture and Society Vol. Cachos Hermanos, 1605. (2017). Supporting Sanctuaries for All Living Creatures. University of Santo Tomas., 2002. Ateneo University Press, 2005. WebA common centipede is the house centipede (S cutigera forceps), which is about 5 centimetres (2 inches) long and has 15 pairs of legs. Gods The Study of Philippine History. Piccio, B. Barangay: Sixteenth-century Philippine Culture and Society. I am Anubis on the Day of the Centipede, I am the Bull who presides over the field. WebKnown as The Centipede of Horus , he does a similar job to Khepri the Scarab, but with more legs. Kami can be good or bad. Mayura (Sanskrit: Mayra) is a Sanskrit word for peacock[1] which is one of the sacred birds of the Hindu culture. Philippine Sociological Society. I'm not an expert in this stuff, but after a quick Google search, several sites wrote that butterflies are a sign of major, personal transformation. Noceda, Juan de (1754). Contrasting landscapes, conflicting ontologies. Pedro de(1613). The Sulod Myth of Creation. 45, No. deities associated with centipedes - Page 26. Your choices will not impact your visit. "The Greater Central Philippines hypothesis". A cookie which helps me track how many visitors come to my site and what pages they look at. Imprenta de la compaia de Jesus, 1754. Tau Tana: created humans with the god Melu amidst a great argument; put people's noses upside down, a mistake corrected by Melu; Tasu Weh: creator of humans in another myth, where humans had male sexual organs on one knee, and female sexual organs on the other. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity. Design courtesy Andi Mancuso Studios. My Blog deities associated with centipedes (1915). Diwata Magbabaya: the supreme deity and creator of heaven and earth; Palmot: one of trusted heavenly messenger of the supreme deity; an angel, Tagma-sa-Manguabungud: the god of the woods, Tagma-sa-langit: the god who protects the sick, Jobrael: also called Jobraim; son of a human and a supernatural; stayed on earth for a thousand years, and was taken back to heaven by Palmot after he failed to raise the divine kettle provided by the supreme deity, Son of Jobrael: was to be taken back to heaven seven years after his father, Jobrael, was called back; retained his earthly status due to a seven-year plan initiated by his wife, Wife of Jobrael's Son: devised the creation of the entire buklog rituals and its instruments, resulting to her husband's permanent residence on earth, Gomotan Raja: an ancient leader who settled at the banks of Lapuyan river, Gomotan Sangira: an ancient leader who settled in Megusan, Palaganding: son of Gomotan Sangira and twin brother of Rainding; a brave and proficient swordsman, Rainding: son of Gomotan Sangira and twin brother of Palaganding; a brave and proficient swordsman, Gomeed: son of Gomotan Sangira; a brave and proficient swordsman, Bulaw: daughter of Gomotan Sangira; a brave and proficient swordswoman, Rajah Humabon: a Subanon who migrated to Cebu and became a ruler there, Manama: the supreme deity also referred as Sigalungan, meaning all seeing; created the diwatas to assist him in creation; created the earth from his fingernail scrapings, Assistants in Manama's creation: all were given katusan (precognition and power); their bodies were life fingernails, smooth and shiny and only their joints have skin, Ogassi: brother of Manama; incorporated abaca strans into the clay that would become humans, causing mankind's mortality. Ibo, a champion wrestler; one of the Mactan chieftains loyally allied to Datu Mangal, Sagpang-Baha: also called Sampong-Baha; can slap back an onrushing flood; one of the Mactan chieftains loyally allied to Datu Mangal, Bugto-Pasan: can snap the sturdiest vines with his hands; one of the Mactan chieftains loyally allied to Datu Mangal, Silyo: a chief who borrowed an amulet from Datu Mangal; he never returned the amulet and was caught by Datu Mangal fleeing; was turned into a stone along with his crew by Datu Mangal through a curse; before turning a stone completely, he also uttered a curse to turn Datu Mangal into stone; another tale tells that Matang Mataunas and Malingin were also turned into stone, Horned Presidente: a presidente of a town who wanted to continue controlling the people so he wished for horns to frighten them; his wish backfired, with the people withdrawing their support, which later led to his death, Magwala: also called Magdili, the supreme spirit, Abog: chief herdsman of wild pigs and deer; the daga or diwata ritual is offered to invite the herdsmen spirits, headed by Abog, Spirits of the Forest: the first-fruits sacrifices of the hunt are offered to them through bits of meat, which would bring good luck to the people, Taglugar: also called Tagapuyo; spirits inhabiting certain places, Polpulan: father of Marikudo, and chief of Panay before the ascension of his son, Marikudo: the ruler of Panay who welcomed the ten Bornean datus, who settled on the island through discussions with Marikudo and his people; married to Maniuantiuan and recognized by the ten Bornean datus as their ruler, Maniuantiuan: the beautiful and graceful wife of Marikudo and an excellent negotiator; came from a commoner family. Wigington, Patti. Manuel, A. E. (1973). Although traditionally Imbolcis associated with Brighid, the Irish goddess of hearth and home, there are a number of other deities who are represented at this time of year. Philippine Studies Vol. A Collection of Igorot Legends. I reverted the food offerings, but left the water on the shrine to evaporate naturally (a slow process in a humid environment), my way of providing a longer-term offering symbolic of that which sustains all lifeincluding centipedes. Tenorio, J., Stuart A. Schlegel, S. A. Garvan, J. M. (1931). (accessed March 4, 2023). Women in Philippine Folktales. Philippine Folk Tales . Scents and deities As centipedes are venomous, Sepa was considered to have power over other venomous animals and could be invoked for protection against snake bites and scorpion stings. Pasig: River of Life. Colin, Francisco (1663). Bran in Welsh really means crow, but sometimes with references to head, height, hill, in the sense of headmaster, sir. Novellino, D. (2003). Mga Sugilanong Karaan., 2013. Boquet, Y. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898. Tengu. Two bright and positive crow-related deities are Bran Vendigeit (Bran the Blessed) and his sister Branwen (White Crow). Jocano, F. L. (1958). The Boxer Codex Manuscript c. 1590, using the English translation by Souza & Turley. University of Manila Journal Of East Asiatic Studies, Volumes 7-8. kristian--mingle said: Ive heard that Loki is commonly associated with spiders. Webdeities associated with centipedes. Colin SJ, Francisco (1663). Philippine Sociological Review Vol. Handbook of Philippine language groups. 2: The Customs of the Tiruray People. University of the Philippines Press, 1993. 41, No. "9 Magical Insects and Their Folklore." The Traditional Tiruray Zodiac: The Celestial Calendar of a Philippine Swidden and Foraging People. Page 82. New York: American Museum of Natural History. de el Renacimiento, 1909. Wisdom from a Rainforest: The Spiritual Journey of an Anthropologist. Socio-cultural History of Mamanwa Adaptations of Community in Sitio Palayan, Barangay Caucab, Almeria Biliran.