Ronnie Anne: *kisses Lincoln on the cheek*. I couldn't imagine the pain you were feeling because of it. I am pretty hungry. Lincoln: *while packing, talking silently to himself while filled with anger as hot tears fall from his eyes* If all they care about is the "good luck" wearing that stupid suit brings and not care about how badly this is affecting me, then I guess they really don't love me to where I'm part of this family anymore! Please tell me he's at least doing better than he has been! The Forces Of Evil crossover part 1 Kid's meet Star, Chapter 48. I found a picture of this on deviantart. OOF! He becomes even more distant and isolated from everyone, not even answering his cellphone and spending most of his time in bed crying replaying images of what Sam did to him. It serves as an explanation for much of Javi's art that involves his OC Lina Loud, specifically the events that led up to her birth. (Runs after him). By making him wear a squirrel suit in what was probably hundred degree temperatures? Rusty, due to his jealousy, fakes a photo of Lincoln and Sam kissing to break up Lincoln and Stella. Lincoln: But I didn't just leave the house, I left the state. LINCOLN: Lola! Sell custom creations to people who love your style. That day when Lincoln hurt my feelings at school before Bobby broke up with you doesn't even hold a candle to what Lincoln is probably feeling right now! Ronnie Anne: *thinking about what Luna said, tries to calm down a little* Look, even if by chance that is true, the fact is that the damage has already been done. Getting to know the Aunts, and Uncles, Chapter 14. I don't want to make the same mistake again. Lincoln: *thinking* I guess I only have enough for 1 day. Feeling like I had just been repeatedly stabbed in the heart, then have it violently ripped out while feeling completely abandoned by everyone that ever cared about me. Bobby: This is what a superstition did to him. Lily: *begins to calm down, looks up at her big brother with tears in her eyes*, Lily: *starts to smile for the first time in days since her older brother ran away*, Ronnie Anne: *sits next to Lincoln and Lily*, Maria: *smiles at the scene going on in front of her*. Lincoln: We've been having a good time so far. Chapter 8. BECAUSE OF MY DANG SUPERSTITIONS, I ENDED UP MAKING YOU FEEL UNLOVED AND UNWANTED, LINCOLN, WHICH DROVE YOU AWAY FROM US, POSSIBLY FOREVER!!! I have to wonder about when Lincoln was born. KidJuly24 on DeviantArt) (On hold for now) Crossover - Chaotic & Loud House - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 3 - Words: 14,510 . Maria: So, do you guys know if they got any new rides set up since the last time you were there? He doesn't get to see her naked, but he's ashamed, saying that what he's feeling is different from what he feels about his sisters. Lincoln: *sighs* That still doesn't change the fact that I was stupid enough to let this lie go on Lisa: Elder brother, you were not the stupid one. - What?!!? Realizing that she'd be unhappy either way, she chose to continue to be the tough one feeling that if nobody could bully her, she'd at least be able to make it through school. She must already know what happened! No need to cry, little bro.*. Miraculous ladybug crossover part 2 New family members. Every time I tried to get near you while you were in that stupid costume, they would stop me saying that they don't wanna catch the bad luck if you were to take any part of the suit off. Lori: *crying into her pillow, guilty of how she helped drive her baby brother away, and very upset at the fact that it effectively cost her her relationship with Bobby*, Leni: *crying into her hands, guilty of how she let her stupidity get the better of her and how it drove her only brother away*. Leni: *joins in the hug to try to help calm Linky down*, Lincoln: *begins calming down, feeling much safer with two sisters that proved how much they care about him*. A fairly odd crossover part 1 Welcome to Dimmsdale, Chapter 22. Lynn: You're my little brother, I'm supposed to protect you, and I failed to do that. None of us do. Did you have a nice sleep? Baseball game, Chapter 51. DeviantArt Protect. After that, Lincoln tells Sid everything about himself. A small, short montage of four images featuring Lincoln and Luan in some cute moments over the years. :cries: Ronnie Anne: *becomes teary eyed* Lincoln Bobby: *places hand on Ni Ni's shoulder, trying to help comfort her even a little* What did he say? (Just then Lincoln wakes up and sees Luna and Luan). Receptionist: Here, let me check. Luna: *hugs back, tears in her own eyes* If you don't want to say, I'll understand. Everything kept reminding me of that game, what I had put you through, what our family put you through. Lily: *blushes* Sowwy, W- *clears her throat* Linky. I had even wished that I-I. was never born. Hub Ideas Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Lincoln: *sighs, steps into the room* Girls, I'm sorry Lori: Lincoln, you have nothing to be sorry for, it's us who can't be sorry enough for what we did to you. As he got older, the boys themselves became too interested in girls to pay much attention to him. Little scientist, Chapter 52. I have to wonder about when Lincoln was born. Bobby: *walks up to them* Yeah, it was just a few days ago. Luna: You can say that again, bro! Lincoln: *still hugging Lily, soothing voice* Shh-shh, it's ok Lily. After all, if all I am is just a good luck charm to them, then it's obvious they no longer saw me as a son/brother anymore. If little bro by chance did mention the nightmare, I figured this would make it easier on him than for him to have to try to explain such a horrible thing again. Whether his sisters are giving him unwanted makeovers or he's racing them to the couch to gain control of the TV,. Luna: *still crying, starts to head back to Vanzilla*. Luna: Chances are they're inside Dairyland. I don't want everyone getting involved." I almost got heat stroke a lot of the times in that thing. Clyde: Thank you Mrs. At the Loud House, Lynn was running in the backyard kicking a soccer ball. Just as a warning, I want to add that I don't approve of this type of behavior or actions in real life. Loud family: *teary-eyed, crying of happiness* We love you too, Lincoln. Ronnie Anne: *puts her hand on his shoulder* It's fine, Lincoln. Remember that this is just a fictional story with fictional characters. Lincoln: Yea My friends started believing in the bad luck/good luck superstition as well, including Clyde, Bobby, and especially you, even if it didn't actually happen for real. Ronnie Anne sees Lincoln kicked out of his home and decides to take him out of there. Not once did I see or hear any of you show any concern for how I was doing, and every time I got hurt while inside that thing, you guys would worry about if the suit was damaged instead of asking if I was ok. Family: *hit with large amounts of guilt, knowing what Lincoln said was right*, Ronnie Anne, Bobby, Maria: *shocked at hearing what Lincoln just said, mainly since he didn't mention those details when he described his nightmare*. I hate having to lie to Lily, but I don't want her to worry. She had noticed that you seemed to be a kind person and that you yourself were going through what she used to go through. Lincoln is here now. Tell the community what's on your mind. Sam discovers she is pregnant and the kid belongs to Lincoln, she starts having this reaction, wondering how this happened and what she did while freaking out, as she seems to have lost her memory. Lincoln: Pretty good. Leni: Come on Linky! Bobby: We got back late last night, but because of how late it was, we decided to wait til morning to let you guys know. Ronnie Anne: *still angry* Because of all of you, you caused Lincoln to run away! Tiempo despus, Lincoln Loud y toda la humanidad son revividos en un mundo muy extrao. Lori: *crying, shows her mother the text*. Bobby: *heard Lincoln mention himself and Ronnie* Sounds bad. Maria: If you need to bring her to our place, she's welcome there. How Lincoln has managed to put up with you guys as long as he has is a mystery to me, but at least never gave up on any of you! Lincoln Loud And Linka Loud And Mall Qt Female Male Boy Girl The Loud House Fanart Loud House Art The Loud House Lincoln. Not only does Lincoln like to be in his underwear at home, but Sam's brother does too. My scratches are doing better than what they were, and they don't hurt as much as they did. *starts crying* After that, I tried going to you, only for you to break up with me, not wanting such a pathetically unlucky person like me as a boyfriend and that even with the suit, no amount of good luck it brings will make you see that I'm nothing more than a sorry excuse of a worthless waste of space, and that picking on me at school to eventually become my girlfriend was the unluckiest mistake you ever made. Leni: *caresses Lincoln's face, in attempt to calm him down* Linky, I don't hate you. Lincoln: *picks Lily up, still wincing from the pain on his back* Looks like someone's tired. Lincoln: They stay on my toes and never stop until they change the . Lincoln: Alright. Rusty gets a bad case of this. Ronnie: *smiling, quietly* Yea, your brother's still sleeping. Lincoln: F-Four days ago *lifts up his shirt, revealing large scratch marks on his back*, Bobby and Ronnie Anne: *winces at the sight of the marks*. *breaks down* I felt so scared, so lonely, so upset, that it felt like my own birth was nothing but bad luck on my parents end. Based off of Clyde's furious break down yesterday on top of Bobby breaking up with Lori, there is no doubt Lincoln has told them what happened, and considering what Clyde said, even he didn't appear to know the whereabouts of our male sibling, which could mean that Lincoln has either called them or sent them a message, so it could be logical that the Santiagos also may not know where he is, which would be a good reason for them to look for him. Lincoln: *smiling warmly* I missed you too Lily. Lincoln: *smiling, teary-eyed* Oh Lily! Ronnie Anne: *smiles, kisses Lincoln's cheek*. Basically Rita and Lynn Sr. want to adopt, and you can figure out the rest on your own. Dear Louds, after all that I've been through, I've realized that you all just a bunch of heartless morons who care more about luck than their own son/brother. After I had gotten to New York and managed to get a hotel room, even if it was for 1 day, I gave Ronnie an update, letting her know where I was staying for the day and that I was safe. Lola Loud/Costumes. Trip to the mall, Chapter 54. Ronnie Anne: *looks to her brother, while rubbing Lincoln's hair* *whispers* Looks like it. Rita: *picks up the crying Lily* It's okay, Lily. I'm sure seeing all of us at once isn't easy for him after what we put him through. Ronnie Anne: *still rubbing his hair* *whispers* Same here. Lincoln: *smiles, returns the squeeze to Ronnie Anne's hand* Thanks. She's gotta be heartbroken at her missing brother. Ronnie Anne: *places a hand on Lincoln's shoulder, smiles* I'm sure it was probably her most favorite memory. Lincoln: *crying* I just can't believe you all would let some superstition make me feel hated! Then Sam ends up drinking and calls Lincoln to see her, and she ends up eventually raping him, destroying Lincoln mentally. During NSL, Lincoln is out in the cold unaware that his life was going change. Luna: You're welcome to come home whenever you're comfortable enough to come back. Just came to me. We're going to find him. If the Santiagos hadn't been determined to bring me back, Lily might not have gotten a chance to see me again, so me not at least giving her a last hug or kiss or even explaining to her what was going on, I can't help but feel like her sadness is my fault.