Precious Peter Parker Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure Parent Tony Stark stressed Tony Stark Bulletproof Suits Fluff Tony Stark-centric Post-Spider-Man: Homecoming Pre-Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) My first fic!! Aliens aren't the only criminals. Father Figure 1 He used to think everyone had scars and they did. Though, he did look like he was about to protest on his behalf at the moment. Peter keeps his head down, eyes focused on the ground in front of him and trails obediently behind Happy. Bucky moves forward, whipping Natasha's gun out of the holster at her protest and Clint grabs a large knife from one of the kitchen drawers as a boy rounds the corner, breaking off abruptly with a choked noise. +. Now he started to feel it, all the pain that he caused. Will do, Cap, Peter says, saluting him cheerfully as Steve just laughs again-- the doors sliding closed behind him. The two of them were thick as thieves, and just as much trouble as ten of them, Sam says, lips turning slightly up before he catches Peter staring at him and schools his expression. Hearing the scraping of a chair, Peter turned towards the sound. Now he started to feel it, all the pain that he caused. "I stopped a mugging today. 2. WebPeter's shoulders were hunched up to his ears, and he would occasionally flinch, pulling them up higher, as his head spun to stare at something that caught his attention. When the supersoldier hesitates, he snaps harshly, louder this time, "Drop the gun, Barnes.". "Actually, I don't think that's a very good idea. Am I really that bad? Peter asks, his voice a touch softer and a lot more innocent than how he normally speaks-- intentionally leaning into the assumptions the Avengers seem to have of him. Bucky obediently drops the handgun to the floor with a resonating thud. Though I guess you could say we are different in a way: the intensity of those senses. "I need to be able to keep an eye on him. Spider-Man is working to catch him but accidentally meet "Ghost", the new superhero in NY. His breathing became fast and short. He glances down at his watch and stands up. Like, right now. "Maybe, you should think about that.". Following months and months of debate, it was finally concluded that they would have the choice between remaining in their prison cells or could return to live at the Avengers Tower under strict security and the one rule that they could not leave the building under any condition. Firebeta, JinxxRadke16, Reina25, amethystfairy, DreamOrFiction, oneICURN, dellabelle, JustAshippeerr, bookinator3000, ponchoprick, sterryvit, SaurusLorie, Stressin_depression, CupcakeSkies, Aithusa_Morgenstern, a1phabet_s0up, xcharliex, Foxlass, Raven_Iris, starminsung, Zoe_420, TaeTaesJungkook, Zethar_Devin24, pterodactyl_screech, Marianna_cookedthis, Ambri_Kat, otakutwin1_0, Sunshiny__Ace13, LokiWazInnocent, Pareja, MayBear2435, CaroBunny23, WakinLazyTurnip, Abbey_Monrow, Kohakuryu, asdgsf, Sleek_peak_peek, PsWilson, ctruth7539, WitchOfTheForest, Nuso, AlgorythmicGalaxy, Dragonfly203, Anarchy_Boiii, goldenflower_uhyeah, solecitolouis1, Readswhateverfandom, dreamsandbunnies, JacieBlevins, Moonlightkittypaw, and 3008 more users Look at me kiddo. What--, Well thats enough interdimensional bonding for me, Tony says, wrapping his arm around Morgan before pointedly looking at Steve. But still, it gets lonely on occasion. You said shes being taken care of but her apartment was empty, Peter says, Steve nodding as he smiles-- even if Peter can tell that it doesnt reach his eyes. You No matter how many missions the Avengers put him on, he doesnt consider himself an Avenger. I thought you liked my cooking, Wilson, Steve says as Peter walks forward, Peter smiling as the two flank him on either side. WebPeter let his face fall and looked out the opposite window, away from the cabin. Mature Peter Parker Avengers find out Peter is young and does NOT like it Peter rips them a new one Kind of an introspection but not really set after Civil War but before IW Spider-Man Identity Reveal Identity Reveal Cross-Posted on FanFiction.Net Cross-Posted on Wattpad Language: English Series: Nothing, kid. "An intern. Is it so complicated that Ill never be able to leave this room at all? When the others are out of earshot, Peter whispers, "Sorry 'bout that, Dad.". (Though, perhaps it was because of his background as a therapist who dealt with PTSD patients, Sam understood the magnitude of Peter's words. He may be a killer, but theres no denying that Parker adored the shit out of Morgan Stark. The frown deepens. Peter interrupts quickly. Don't answer that. ", Pausing, Peter looks at each of them with haunted eyes. You're still fighting a threat. Or: Peter Parker gives the Rogues a wake-up call on actions and consequences and what it truly means to be a hero. "I suspect that your aunt will be expecting you home at around this time.". Happy brushes past him and into the building, Peter nearly tripping over his own shoes as he follows him. He's never been this high up in a building before, panning over endless weaving streets. The difference is you save the world, I save the person.". WebPeter is a little touched starved. 6. (See the end of the work for more notes and other works inspired by this one.). , Peter thinks as Sam turns a corner towards the elevator, Peters eyes drifting to the hallway that they were walking towards. But even that isnt enough to keep his attention for long, for what really stands out to Peter is the large silver scar that runs across the left side of Parkers face, from just above his eyebrowbisecting itonly to glance over his eyelid and slice deep into his cheek, before ending at the corner of his mouth. Wrong! He had to get out of this room, get his hands on a computer or a tablet-- maybe get the chance to see May if hes lucky. The door clicks shut, leaving the Avengers to think in silence. Tony takes that moment to burst from his office, a thunderous looks in his eyes as he processes the situation. Footsteps pit-pat towards them, and a young, enthusiastic voice travels from around the corner. Sam studies him for a moment as he finishes patching him up, Peter wondering for a beat if hed really fallen for it or if he was just letting him play the part as Sam carefully replies, Its more complicated than that., Doesnt sound all that complicated, Peter says with an honest huff as Sam starts to clean himself up, putting away the tools hed used as Peter continues, Sounds like I snapped and murdered a bunch of people., Sam winces at that, Peter going with his gut as he presses forward, Had to be kind of shitty if you all believed I did it., We all got a little bit of Peter in ourselves, too. He lets out a short huff of breath, looking up at the ceiling when Wanda finishes, and he starts, "The first time we met, the kid told me something that stuck with me for a while. There was a war an-". WebPeter was used to seeing scars. Holy shit. He pauses in front of the automatic glass doors. Next comes Tony, wearing his Iron Man armor. Ben and May divorced before Peters parents died, so when Ben is murdered Peter goes into foster care. WebPeter's shoulders were hunched up to his ears, and he would occasionally flinch, pulling them up higher, as his head spun to stare at something that caught his attention. "Child," Harley teased making Peter whined, hand to his chest as if he was insulted. was the one who needed an explanation. He grunted softly at the impact. " (There were people calling out to him, after all. "I'll take you there." He grunted softly at the impact. " When you won't be able to turn to us or Tony for help?" Should I expect door delivery around meal times?. With May always working to pay the bills he spends his nights alone. Happy glances at Peter. It's okay." Captain America: Civil War aka Avengers 2.5 3. Peter flinched hard, then awoke with a start and jumped on the ceiling. Sam's gentle smile became a knowing smirk. I know your stomach mustve been eating you out from the inside. Please consider turning it on! WebPeter was adopted by Tony Stark by age 14. Who is this? 10. Lemon cakes, anyone?" Bucky visibly falters, adjusting the grip on the gun. 2. 3. "Awesome?" He understood their unspoken logic, correctly guessing that Peter was just young enough and just impulsive enough to reach out to the people that he knew to see what the hell was going on. Peter nods in confirmation. From the looks of things, the Tony and Steve of. "You're too young. That someone is made clear a few moments later, Peters eyes growing wide as he watches Rhodeyin full War Machine armorappear last, pushing an upright rolling gurney from behind, one to which a human is strapped to by large metal bands. As if he's their own personal hero; someone they can depend on. 2303 guests "It's reallyclean," Peter comments, going over to lay his suitcase down beside the bed. Not quite laughing, but giggling, suppressed and high-pitched. She's right, kid. He calls May every night, and Tony often comes over to check on his progress or tinker with whatever he's working on all day. His breathing became fast and short. He'll be gone in less than a month.". Webavengers fanfiction peter flinches. And here" Happy hands him an identification card with Peter's face and name on it. "The evils I face may not be as big or as alien as the ones you do but they still are terrifying. But what happens when the world is safe but the people aren't. As he and Sam ride the elevator in silence towards the rest of the residence, Peter mulls over the possibilities. "Hey, Peter. ", Sighing, Peter looked to the ceiling, muttering unheard 'Lord, give me patience because if you give me strength, I will become a murderer.' His eyes were huge and they flicked around the room before landing on Tony. Yet that still doesnt stop him from wondering all the time what happened to this worlds MJ and Ned. Tony cupped his cheeks, forcefully turning his head towards him. You mean the lab that you don't even let the Avengers themselves into?" Even Loki and Thor knew everything about him. Tony will kill me if I let you go outside right now., Im with Steve on this one, Little Pete, Sam pipes up from over the others shoulder, looking apologetic but firm. I swear, one of the security guards was singing the national anthem while patrolling. Peter takes the tray over to the bed, Steve standing almost awkwardly in the room as Peter dives in-- too hungry to wait as he shovels in a sporkful of mashed potatoes into his mouth. He receives various noises of agreement, and is about to stand up from his spot on the smaller couch when the elevator dings, causing everyone in the room to freeze. did Happy's car pulls up to the Avengers Tower. You didnt answer my question, Morgan says back, Peter holding back a laugh at how much she sounds like Tony-- any question of whether this was truly his daughter any more than she was Pepper Potts being thrown out the window when Morgan levels him with a look that reminds him so much of his own worlds Pepper. Their return was kept under wraps by the government, agreeing not to inform the public about the team coming back home. He didn't need them figuring out Peter's secret identity, not now. Peter wonders briefly what they're fore, before they stop in front of one of the doors, with his name in small block letters on the door. Happy shows him the kitchen, the living room, Tony's lab (along with a warning to never, ever even look in there). Language: English Words: 705 Chapters: 1/1 9 Kudos: 872 Bookmarks: 45 Hits: 20136 "If anyone asks you who you are, you're a new intern working for Tony." world were just as united-- though in the opposite direction, agreed on how dangerous Parker was and the validity of having him be locked up presumably without even a trial. Instead he says, Tony doesnt have any kids in my universe., Oh yeah? Sam says, not looking up from where hes just put some bacon in a pan. So they strike a deal. "Hi, Aunt May," Peter greets tiredly. Peter stares up at the ceiling, one hand under his head and another resting across his midsection fingers lightly tapping as he thinks. ", Peter could see a hint of realization in Mr. Wilson's eyes, but he didnt quite grasp where exactly Peter was heading. Yeah but uh, this place is a little different than you know, where Im from, Peter says with a shrug and a smile, Steve returning the latter. Wanda spits. The Sam of his world was funny and sarcastic with a kindness that never failed to make Peter feel like he understood what it was like to balance the normal with the abnormal. Peter will help Tony. WebAttached. She can monitor anything he does off of YouTube, anyway. That had always been his alibi, anyway. Peters not surprised when its Steve who comes in-- bearing a tray in hand and still standing outside the door until Peter nods for him to come in. Despite having fought with Tony Stark and owning a suit under the billionaire's name, it occurs to him that he had never been here before; only to what would soon be the new Headquarters after his leave. On top of this, hes trying to keep on a brave his face for his pops, maintain his grades at university, and fulfill his duty as Spider-Man on the side. Youre my dad, not my boss, Morgan says in a tone thats so painfully Pepper that it makes Peter laugh, sobering up when she directs her question directly to him, Who are you? He was covered in them, some were from patrol and some were from growing up in hydra. "Are you sick? "Stop that, Wanda. There may be more differences than we accounted for, Steve says, mostly to himself as Peter brings his attention back to the present-- more curious than ever now not just about May but about this world and just how. He has no way of knowing if thats even the case, not if the diverging paths of the Mays of these two worlds were any indication. Natasha looked away while Sam looked thoughtful. Only for Peter to remember how Tony had looked when hed described Parker and bringing someone called Morgan around, the thought occurring to him that maybe it wasnt Peter that they didnt trust. And what do you want to see in this fic? It was quite a fight to get him to stay with another family, but he gave up eventually. She hesitates, very obviously trying not to point out the obvious. If May was sick in this world, something shed briefly had the possibility of being only for it to shift-- it stood to reason that there was more nudged around that Peter could figure out. She agreed to double my wage if I volunteered." being something that he struggled with. Why do you look like Peter?, I "Youre superheroes. WebPeter Parker & Tony Stark Peter Parker Tony Stark Steve Rogers Irondad spiderson Peter calls Tony Dad peter faints Movie Night Embarrassed Peter Happy Tony Stark Parent Tony Stark Peter calls Tony Dad in front of the Avengers. Why isn't it healing?" Something was definitely wrong. With May always working to pay the bills he spends his nights alone. Peter isnt sure what it does, but if he had to guessgoing by Parkers current position which hes certain they both could easily break out ofit must somehow limit his powers. Tony watches helplessly as Wanda peers into the carefully-buried past of Peter Parker, one that Tony himself hasn't even delved that deep into out of respect for his protg. He had people he needed to save. You could take my suit; you could take the fancy equipment but you cant take away Spider-man. Now he started to feel it, all the pain that he caused. That had always been his alibi, anyway. That was my choice. "He's a special case. "Are you sick? ", "So you're letting him stay on this floor? Youre definitely Peter alright. But it's too late. this ____________________ tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. "I I don't " "What'd you do? His eyes were huge and they flicked around the room before landing on Tony. He is also afraid to lose you.". Hes getting better at seeing the code theyre inputting, their hands not nearly as guarded in covering the keypad the longer hes with him. She steps forward with every sentence, and Tony doesn't realize that he's backing away from her as she approaches. On top of this, hes trying to keep on a brave his face for his pops, maintain his grades at university, and fulfill his duty as Spider-Man on the side. Youre telling me youve read through all of those already?. He was covered in them, some were from patrol and some were from growing up in hydra. Peter whimpered. WebPeter let his face fall and looked out the opposite window, away from the cabin. Many things happen at once in the same few seconds. It was fun, but he got me good across the face." , this time. See you Peter lets the words trail off with no small amount of confusion, watching as Tony and Morgan disappear back into the hallway, a long moment of silence following their departure. Peter looks around in slight awe, hearing Steve and Sams chuckle as he asks, Wait, what is this?. ", She gives him a warm peck on the cheek, ushering him away. "If anyone asks you who you are, you're a new intern working for Tony." "I I don't " "What'd you do? He glares at Bucky. If you need anything, I'm always listening.". He pulls his head off Thor's shoulder and grabs the offender's wrist before the oversized garment can be raised above his waistline. The reminder of her just reminded him of May, reminded him of the people who were no doubt missing him back at home-- and worse, Peter thought, having no way of checking how his people in He can't come and go as he pleased like Ms. Romanoff. That makes him dangerous, terrifying.". His breathing became fast and short. My daddy." Peter nods in confirmation. "Child," Harley teased making Peter whined, hand to his chest as if he was insulted. How does a man keep a lasagna in the oven for three hours and, The men in the room freeze as Peters mind starts to race-- only for his mouth to drop when a girl comes up from the hallway, eyeing Peter up and down as if, was the one who needed an explanation. Only for Peter to go still when he hears a familiar voice coming down the hallway, noticing the way Steve freezes too as doors from the other ends whoosh open-- Tony walking in. And second, that Parker knows exactly what it is. WebAfter losing his dad, his friends, and his Aunt May, Peter Parker is trying to move forward with his life despite the grief within him trying to hold him back. And will his loved ones deaths. ", "Me, on the other hand? "I haven't changed my mind! He should probably start getting used to it soon. And will his loved ones deaths. Peter nods fervently. From, , this time. Mom? Second Impressions Chapter 13. Or at least, Sam trails off, looking suddenly grim. First, that this alternate self was accused of murder and second, that of the people in his life that he would think would fight Peter Parker. First, that this alternate self was accused of murder and second, that of the people in his life that he would think would fight. gotta save my questions for the things Ill actually get answers for He knew the Rogues still didnt like Tony so, by proxy, they didn't like him too. "Excuse you, I'm a teenager!" You need to breath ok?" Can spiders even get sick? Peter thought about the people he met out on patrol. "Stop bullying me! Peter Something was definitely wrong. Peter was on the lab table just sitting down while all the Avengers stared at him with concern. WebPeter was used to seeing scars. Peter thinks but doesnt say, only for the pieces to fall into place. You're still a minor so it counts," he said and the younger whined even more. The 30th floor is strictly Avengers-space, and returning to the Tower felt like returning home. didnt do anything, Sam says pointedly, extending a hand to help Peter off of the medical bench. that they stayed a vocal minority by working with the government and communities alike. And will his loved ones deaths. I want someone who can monitor you while I'm gone.". Wanda watches wordlessly as the billionaire disappears behind the doorframe. My daddy." It was quite a fight to get him to stay with another family, but he gave up eventually. Maybe it had something to do with his parents refusing to buy him a new car which Peter kind of felt bad for or how Peter answered a question that Flash got wrong. WebPeter was adopted by Tony Stark by age 14. Wait, where are we going? Peter asks, leaping off of the bed before pausing-- making a quick decision to put his hands in front of him as if offering for him to be cuffed. It absolutely can hurt, and what I do or dont want my daughter to do is none of your concern, Rogers, Tony says definitively, only for Morgan to snort and wrestle herself from his grasp. Anti-mutant activists were a fringe group in his world, not enough that he had to be scared but it was always a threat-- the Tony and Steve in his world working together to make. Chapter 2 Peter hastily climbs out of the car, going back to retrieve his suitcase from the trunk. if its not for a grade, Peter deadpans, Steve chuckling to himself before moving to stand. knows means that its something that he can push on. Even if you didnt, its not like were ever running out of space.. + Until he left hydra. Not bad for a holding cell, Peter tries to joke only for his smile to fall when Sams eyes get cloudy-- realizing that its a profoundly bad joke to make considering that Parker actually, Thinking of Ned-- of MJ and May and everyone else in his world-- fills Peter with dread, wondering what they could possibly be thinking now that he was gone-- if he actually. A mountain of eggs, hashbrowns and even some turkey sausage-- surprising to Peter that Steve was quick to point it out. Clint pauses to glance around. He tapped his fingers against the cool granite as he risked a glance at the two avengers standing slightly off to the side, waiting patiently for their sandwiches. She's breathing heavily as if she had just ran a mile, and sits down on the edge of her bed with her head in her hands. "I hate you because you took me and my brother's childhood away from us at such a young age, which is why we agreed to become weapons. here-- that hell have to play it close to the chest. "Jesus Christ, he's just a kid that's living here for the time being. WebPeter Parker Meets the Avengers The Avengers Are Good Bros The Avengers Need a Hug Team as Family There are many characters but I didn't wanna tag a bunch Trans Peter Parker trans peter doesn't really come up he just is Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Post-Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Tony Stark Has A Heart Peter Parker is a Mess WebPeter Parker Meets the Avengers The Avengers Are Good Bros The Avengers Need a Hug Team as Family There are many characters but I didn't wanna tag a bunch Trans Peter Parker trans peter doesn't really come up he just is Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Post-Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Tony Stark Has A Heart Peter Parker is a Mess Haven't tried to ignore everything? Peter, Peter says, avoiding Tonys gaze as he directs his attention squarely on Morgan. knows means that its something that he can push on. Normally, he was fine with putting up with them for a few hours, but Peter had a bad day today and he really didn't want to be dealing with their condescension after helping them out this afternoon. Peter thought he looked not unlike a gaping fish. Tony pops in, startling them. How can I, in good conscience, sit back and continue my homework or try to go to sleep like nothing was happening when I could hear, vividly, someone else being traumatized at that moment?". Please consider turning it on! They are much kinder when you get to know them." "I'll start packing and stuff, then. Where is he going? Peter asks, looking between the two. I did that.". "Hey, Peter. "No-don't do this. "Son, you need to stop this business. Now, a few hours later and his stomach was once again grumbling, alongside the unused adrenaline flowing through his system. They'll be back in a few days." Or: After May leaves for a business trip, Peter finds himself living at the Avengers Tower for a month. You could work onwhatever you need to work on at your time there too," May offers, gesturing down at his suit, which Peter didn't even remember he was wearing. I'm not going to hurt you, or Aunt May. When he was out of sight, the boy turned back around only to be hit in the chest by a small fist. He was covered in them, some were from patrol and some were from growing up in hydra. "That was so awesome!" Steve have in the moments when theyre debriefing after having lost someone, bracing himself as he says, Is the May of your world not sick?, Peter blinks a few times, shaking his head quickly as he says, No?.