Long fic, sexy moments. Hes also one of my favourite characters, and I heavily object to him being replaced like this. The Battlestar Prometheus also acknowledges other great organizations with the Prometheus name such as the Battlestar Prometheus SIM and the Battlestar Prometheus Chapter of the Colonial Defense Forces fan club. But the attack was really fucking sudden! How much damage was dealt to Caprica? Another asks, more questions, People, please, calm down, I dont know anything more than what Ive told you, Xavier says, pushing his wheelchair back to try and get away from the mob of questions. The lazy cat slept in front of the fire. So, yes: there is a mystery about who the twelve Cylons are, and how many infiltrators are in the fleet. So far, there is Battlestar Prometheus that was sent on long term mission to find new planets. Now, in the. to the Hybrids, the topic of this little aside. Lieutenant Forge, I want to know of any space traffic, friendly or otherwise.. Disclaimer: I dont own X-Men or Battlestar Galactica. Gaeta is responsible for the DRADIS, not communications; and thus Forge is also not responsible for communications. the radio signals of the DRADIS ping have to travel at the speed of light, bounce off a target, and then travel at the speed of light to get back to Galactica) and thus would take a long time to pick up that fight even IF they had the requisite range? A) I have no qualms about using the Not! Its, an automated message sent in the event of the death of the president, Xavier says. Good fanfiction is all about doing something new with the canon you write in, retelling or changing the canonical universe to create an original story that stands on its own. Jubilation, snap out of it! Sam says, putting an arm on Jubilees shoulder, she snaps out of it just as the raiders launch missiles. Thanks! Theres not much worth commenting on- other than the sheer waste of potential from this fic- and to be honest, the first chapter is where most of the nonsense came from. We cant just leave these people behind, Sam Not!Helo says, pulling Jubilee Not!Boomer off to the side to talk. Towards the back of the crowd, If anyones wondering about the Not! Since starting the Battlestar Prometheus website has seen over seven thousand hits and has over one hundred dedicated readers. But in this AU, instead of facing off in a fight to the death, the last human survivor of the Prometheus mission and the last Engineer on LV-223 establish a truce, and even an alliance. Dude, if youre going to have mutants in BSG, at least be consistent with the canon from which they originated. Learn how your comment data is processed. List of Secondary and Escort Warship's Classes. Um, no. Who has, like, one line that even mentions them in the show. battlestar prometheus fanfictionjack paar cause of death. is a Battlestar Galactica (2003) fic where, after their deaths at the end of the series, William Adama and Laura Roslin find themselves back in the Colonies almost two decades prior to the Fall of the Twelve Colonies, just after Adama's divorce and the death of Roslin's family. battlestar prometheus fanfiction Anyway, theres nothing noteworthy to comment on here, so let us continue! Shes actually a Cylon, but she doesnt know she is. A look at the time between the settlement on New Caprica and Founders Day. Now picking up 10 enemy fighters correction, 8 fighters., Raptor 259, hang back while we investigate, the CAG says. Barring specific circumstances, of course. Yeah, sorry Mr. Secretary, Alicia says. Various brief essays about Colonial culture, battle tactics and aliens. Sometimes, she has a hard time showing her true feelings.. Eleven years after the failed expedition of the Prometheus, Dr. Elisabeth "Eli" Monygham, an archeologist from the Wellington Institute is called to analyze a temple found in the Caucasus. Cross-Posted on FanFiction.Net; Summary. For the most part, the story is set on the ship that shares the title of the fanfic, under the . Raise your right hand, Irene says and Xavier does so, placing his hand on the scroll. this artical refers to the fiction by Ryan A Keeton, for information on other uses of the term see Battlestar Prometheus (Disambiguation). Every Basestar has a room somewhere at its core containing a Hybrid. battlestar galactica fanfic fanfiction jedi sith star wars startrek starwars Replies: 0; Forum: Fanfiction Discussion; The Thin Blue Line: A Battlestar Galactica Colonial-Cylon War Game . However, the Hybrids turned out to be extremely useful. This is presumably the oddly-named Irene Adler, AKA Destiny, who I call oddly named because she is apparently not related to the character of the same name from the Sherlock Holmes novels. Unlike the prologue, this chapter heading means nothing. But still, it was sorta like a plan, I guess? Thats a quarter of the Battlestars in active service Scott says. Oh, and we also got introduced to Renegade, a OC who is apparently Rogues daughter. No, sorry. Attention, all colonial forces, Cylon attack under way, keep a look out for Cylon forces, the wireless says, Jubilee glances back at Sam. Guess hes in charge.. YES! Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. While it would be interesting to see how the addition of mutants changes the BSG canon, this story doesnt even make a token attempt at doing that. Captain, Ive got two confirmed signatures, Jubilee reports, that was odd, the Cylons should be all over the system, why only send two? "I'm putting our family back together." Now, in the original scene which the author is regurgitating here, it was a fault in Starbucks Viper that meant that the Landing Signals Operator aborted the launch. Internet - Wolf Shipyards - Tinman & David "CanisD" Briedis. Lieutenant Forge, I want to know of any space traffic, friendly or otherwise.. tag as part of the riff, but the story is not written this way. Its only slightly longer, but its a lot bulkier and roomier. You can always enjoy the original and treat the rest as fanfic, which they basically are Reply . I dunno. Back on the Raptor, Jubilee and Sam are watching in horror as the squadron is destroyed before their very eyes. However, I make sure to. That was in confidence! I see Lt. Create New. How dare those heathens use her name in vain! ", "LEADING THE BSG UNIVERSE IN KEEPING THE FAITH ALIVE", "THE SITE WILL BE GOING THROUGH MAINTENANCE FOR THE NEXT COUPLE OF DAYS", " ON JULY 1, 2023, THE BATTLESTAR GALACTICA FAN CLUB CELEBRATES 23 YEARS! We have to try, Jubilee says, pulling the Raptor into close orbit with Caprica. Oh, and the Raptor is much larger than the Vipers. Support Vessel. Critiqued by Crazy Minh & Major Wade. What do you mean the DRADIS begins flashing (urgh, tense shift!)??? Allen Hohensee: Project Promoter, Fan Liaison and Webmaster Manager. Today, we cover the second and final chapter of Battlestar Prometheus, a BSG fic with the entire cast replaced with the X-Men for reasons that are currently unknownmuch like the Cylons nebulous plan. Powered by, Badges | The Not!Galactica gets hit by a nuke, Not!Tyrol, Not!Kelly, and Not!Tigh are forced to vent eighty crew into space; and Not!Boomer and Not!Helo hold a who gets to escape the dying planet on our spaceship lottery on Caprica. Literature. It makes my think meat hurt. Thanks for the invite! Also, its Munitions not Munitians. Oh, and that DRADIS sweeps have to obey relativistic physics (i.e. The Cylons are out there. What isn't known to the general public, however, is that he has also given secret orders for the Prometheus to find the lost 13th Tribe of Kobol and locate their new home the fabled planet Earth. Seriously? Along with them is a Raptor, a recon and transport vessel a little larger than the Vipers. Her nukes had been removed; her ammunition magazines had presumably been emptied of the majority of their contents; her small arms lockers still had stuff in them, but were probably being stripped while she was on her way to her final destination; she only had six Mark VII Vipers that were presumably going to be a exhibit. Theyre fully functional, and theres nothing wrong with them. I remember, back when it was the Institute on Caprica, she was the one who always managed to get out of the tough situations. reported as the Prometheus trembled under her feet. I was just thinking before all this started, the Commander, my mom, she wanted for us to be a family again. Told you the fourth season was asinine. There is a murmur among the crowd as Sam Not!Helo starts ripping out pages. Galactica was being converted into a museum ship. I dug out a folder of old fics and decided to post some of them. It was a different time, Xavier says with a sigh. On Caprica, Sam and Jubilee Not!Helo and Not!Boomer are getting the Raptor repaired in a field that seems safe, as they start to work a group of civilians are making their way towards the downed Raptor, causing the two to pause in their work. As the New Year arrives, its time for Laura to make some good resolutions. There are no guns involved, only their missile launchers! The launch tubes on Galactica are used to launch fighters in the same way as modern day aircraft carriers. A single war against another foe will not just magically banish bigotry or racism. terry wogan pancreatic cancer; does vaseline in nose affect covid test; what is the opposite of contract in science; what attracts a pisces man to a taurus woman Fucking hell. As a purist of sorts, I think the quoted parts of the story should be, yknow, how the author wrote them. assorted twos sixes and eights. Otherwise, the ships are fully functional as they are. Towards the back of the crowd, Robert Kelly Not!Baltar is looking around nervously. What they find there will put not only the planet at risk, but all of humanity. It can be about inventing scenarios for the canon characters, or using a crossover to mesh two compatible universes (or incompatible if youre one of those fanfiction writers who are brilliant enough to make a bad idea work properly). The mission leader, Dr Elizabeth Shaw, is in search of mankind's creators. In the years prior to the Fall of the Twelve . Commander, we dont have any Vipers on board to enter the fight, Logan points out. So I one time heard about this BSG fanfic where the Colonial government has contingency plans after the Cylon attack and they have a backup fleet Battlestar Leonidas - Battlestar Leonidas is a new epic written by Allen E. Knott. Amanda Ripley is a girl who is forbidden to go near the man-eating Xenomorphs, a rule made by her Father. However, I make sure to retell the plot with additional lore details and with a lot of details changed or entirely replaced. Congradulations, Mister President, Alicia says as Xavier wheels away, she shakes his hand. All hail the Moon Spiders! All right, let me know if. Im picking up something unknown contacts, at least one whole squadron!, Captain, were picking up something, Jubilee says, tapping her wireless. Gaius has his own, personal secrets; a year and a half into their relationship, he considers sharing one with Caprica. Strikestar. Canon divergent. Shes then killed off in the second season. Maybe its just you werent paying attention? Oh thank the Gods, we where afraid youd been hit as well, the voice on the other end says, Xavier recognizes it as one of the Presidents aides. The writers of the Gemicon series left and started a new series at Battlestar Central. All right, well take the children on board, Jubilee Not!Boomer says, motioning forward, the crowd parts as several children climb aboard the Raptor. Oh, and there was no name given to the Battlestar that got all its systems shut down. Colonial Warbook. When did Elysium get inserted into the fic! Or anything thats actually worth reading. Well, thats one thing that hasnt changed over the years, Xavier laughs. These ships are the ships of the line for the Terran Alliance. Battlestar. Her armaments, size and engines are comparable to one of the twelve original Battlestars. Theres a 3 space vehicle collision over on the Voyager Expressway with emergency crews on scene. Maybe there are no Cylons, and instead the infiltrators are just human-looking mutants, and the Cylon detector is a mutant gene detector. When we hear more, Ill let you know.. Oh, so not even a name this time? So the intercom in this version is controlledby nodding??? Okay, I have a couple problems with this. The Vipers that had been rebuilt where being launched one by one from the launch tubes quickly in order to combat the incoming Raiders. [Insert BSG Character Here] tags, theyre not to say that its wrong that the BSG characters have been replaced with X-Men characters. The, line of dialogue here states that they lost a. of the fleet. Subarticles must add the {{fandom}} template tag at the top of the page. She doesnt show it that often, Xavier says. Battlestar Galactica: Dark Exodus by Stephen Dunlap (453K) - Cover Picture; Battlestar Galactica Series of Stories by Eric Paddon The creation of the Co-Prosperity Sphere had a great influence on the 1940 Olympic games in Tokio. scene which the author is regurgitating here, it was a fault in Starbucks Viper that meant that the Landing Signals Operator aborted the launch. But in that case, Im actually making an effort to adapt the plot, not just writing a find/replace fic. Marie (who is not a God) looks up at the DRADIS Gods, half expecting to see a God appear on it at any Gods-given moment. No, that is NOT what happens here. In summary, please dont do this. War Crimes. They already had all their other stuff ready to go. The following article acts as both a listing and basic ruleset for . There are also comic book art by Chris Scalf, poetry, and much more! Nisroch. I started this a long time ago. The worst part about this story is that it takes the idea of the X-men and mutants being part of the BSG universe, then does nothing with it. Colonial Plumbers. Lieutenant, Im sure by now youre aware of whats going on.. But why should the malfunctions be due to the Cylons? To be honest, even the ninety ships of the canonical fleet is a bit large in my opinion, especially since the Colonies had been going through a period of near total peace in the years since the end of the First Cylon War. Prometheus Fanfiction by NonchalantLilac Fandoms: Alien Series, Prometheus (2012) Explicit; No Archive Warnings Apply . Part of her whole character arc in both the comics and the movies is that she cannot get intimate with anyone, for the fear that she will kill them. Im running locations by reports coming in, so far most depots where either hit in the attack or where emptied.. Insert for the season 4 mid-series finale Revelations. Or, rather, his replacement. Its only slightly longer, but its a lot bulkier and roomier. Episode Eight: Dead Saint Day (To be released February 6, 2011). If anyone tries to rush the Raptor, they will be shot.. A space anomaly opens into BSG 2003 dimension, and life and death walks thru. *Minh and Wade watch as Elysium jumps from Colonial One (Formally Colonial Heavy 798, later Colonial One, and definitely not The Elysium) and grabs the entire Viper, before pulling in into the ships airlock*. Ive been Crazy Minh, hes Major Wade, and thank you for reading! What, were they repainting them and polishing the hulls? Topic: Battlestar Galactica/X-Men To be honest, even the ninety ships of the canonical fleet is a bit large in my opinion, especially since the Colonies had been going through a period of near total peace in the years since the end of the First Cylon War. As such, this. Will they give in to what they really mean to each other as everything descends into chaos? It's used in a lot of other fanfics too as one of the more developed fanon designs of what amounts to a super battlestar. Its actually probably unfair to use Hotpoint here, since me and Minh both agree that XSGCOM turned out to be a decent story that the grammar dragged down, along with the regurgitation without change. Canon!Adama never tells Gaeta to find any space traffic, and I think all he tells Gaeta to do is to give him a sitrep on the system, and to find where the main fight is going on. All right, we have three spots free, heres how were going to do this, Sam Not!Helo says. Set eighteen months before the fall of the Twelve Colonies of Kobol The follows the Battlestar Prometheus and a small fleet on a quest to find the colony of the thirteenth tribe, Earth. Please R&R. It does have wings that stretch out in front of the cockpit, but this description fails to mention the curved design, or the fact that it appears like a double-headed axe blade. The Most recent episode has been downloaded almost 1000 times. It just doesnt work. This has traffic snarled on the Cassini Connector all the way back to the Huygens on-ramp and Asteroid Beltway. Let us commence todays festivities! An older blind woman with short brown hair, wearing the trappings of a member of the clergy. Title: Battlestar Prometheus Author: Ruin Queen Of Oblivion Topic: Battlestar Galactica/X-Men Media: TV show/multimedia comics franchise Genre: Sci-Fi/Adventure URL: Battlestar Prometheus Critiqued by Crazy Minh & Major Wade Hello Patrons, and I hope you've had a happy 2020 so far! I, Charles Francis Xavier. It was only when they reached Ragnar that she got ammo for her main guns. Members: 8 Author: It will remain a mystery until I decide its not a mystery anymore. by writing a story titled "The Battle of Caprica" which details the original Prometheus and Galactica's heroic stand against the Cylons during the Original Cylon War. Officials advise using New Horizons Boulevard as an alternate route. Theresa Madrid: Story Editor, Creative Contributor. In the Miniseries, all Tyrol says they have to do is unplug the exhausts, reload the weapons with ammunition, and fuel them up. The crowd is getting unruly, several of them start walking forward, trying to force their way on board the Raptor. Sci-fi fans get to explore an endless assortment of distant galaxies full of lumpy-headed aliens, but we also have to deal with the sci-fi fan struggles. Not!Boomer draws her pistol and fires it into the air, which gets them to back off quickly, quieting them down. Shes not immortal, but oddly long-lived, and precognitive. Battlestar Prometheus Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. What the frak happened? He says into the wireless. She moves the targeting sensors so that she has a clear shot at the missile, and squeezes the trigger, weaving from side to side as the missile does so too before finally hitting it with a lucky shot. Id kill to meet him in real life! Author: Ruin Queen Of Oblivion Tell DaCosta and his deck gang that I want the Vipers refitted and ready for battle.. The real Caprica Six conversely hallucinates Head Baltar, who is a crueler and more cynical version of the real Baltar. Battlestar Prometheus is a fanfiction crossing X-Men and the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica series written by Ruin Queen of Oblivion. With that fanfiction comes the bizarre crossovers. Not!Helo nods and grabs a flight manual and a marker. Along the way Prometheus make astonishing discoveries, including, an entire space fairing civilisation. Shes floating. Thats when it happens, his Viper suddenly goes dark as he starts to pull the trigger. Reply . Please tell me youre kidding.. Now, I dont know if were going to get that chance., Lieutenant, I know your mother from before she was the Commander, Xavier says. With that, we come to the end of. Then President Reimus offered me this position in his administration, the first President to have a Mutant as a member of his cabinent in 14 years, and I jumped at the opportunity.. All it really does is tell us that this covers the second half of the miniseries, where the Galactica and the surviving civilian ships leave the solar system for good. Battlestar Galactica Future from Marvel Comics (21K) - From the novel-sized "Saga of a Star World" adaptation. Hello Patrons, and I hope youve had a happy 2020 so far! How does that happen? All right, we have three spots free, heres how were going to do this,, Not!Helo says. Nor does she have brown hair. Able to interface with any machinery they were linked to, and thus control it, the Hybrids became the brain of every Cylon Basestar. Theyre fully functional, and theres nothing wrong with them. To do honor to the office of the President of the 12 Colonies of Kobol, Irene says. Library of the Damned The Most Horrible Fanfiction Ever Penned. Then he sees the two Raiders streaking towards them, he frantically works to try and restart the systems as the two Raiders open fire, their bullets tearing through his Viper as it explodes. Im afraid Ive got confirmed reports of nuclear strikes against several colonies, and unconfirmed strikes on the others, Xavier says, talking to the other people on board the Elysium, this announcement is met with despair from the other passengers. Really? That was extremely quick. Second offno. Now its Boomer and Helo as well that are being replaced. And for 25 years, there has been no resurgence of violence between humans and mutants, Xavier says. They project the power of Sae'tzar and the Conclave across the seventeen worlds of the Alliance and beyond. That is one thing that will remain a mystery until the time that I decide to reveal their identity. Well, here comes chapter 2 of Battlestar Prometheus, there are still many a mystery left to be revealed, not the least of which is the identity of the 12 Cylons like in the show, but one greater mystery remains. Its actually [Insert corresponding X-Men Character Here]!. For Japan the games were not only a show to ensure the world of their peaceful attempts for East Asia, but also to get more international recognition and legitimacy for the new smaller states of the Co-Prosperity Sphere they had created out of China and Indochina. The remaining five models are the Final Five, but that arsine subplot isnt relevant to the Miniseries, or even worth mentioning; fourth season being what it fucking is. Commander, it looks like the fleet is massing near Virgon, Forge reports. Eventually, she loses her internal battle against her nature, and shoots Admiral Adama in the heart, nearly killing him. Battlestar Galactica (2003) (6050) Battlestar Galactica - All Media Types (359) Firefly (TV 2002) (69) Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV . Bill arrives in the afterlife, Laura was right once again. She and her partner Mystique also raised Rogue, for what its worth. This is definitely not [Insert BSG character here]! Above all, good fanfiction should be creative, either by telling a new story within the confines of an old one, or by completely reworking it to make a new one. All right, well take the children on board,. - and gets picked up by the Galactica, before Boomer's sleeper personality is awakened.Things get weird. Welcome to the Battlestar Galactica Wiki! I find it very hard to believe that there hasnt been any hatred in 25 years. Another ship that was on a list of names given to the costume department during production of the series. Frakking Earth. As she gets out of her Viper, she is approached by James, who is looking very unhappy. This is definitely not [Insert BSG character here]! Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Athena (Battlestar Galactica 2003) Athena (the Lord of Kobol) Barista Doral. They were last used to launch Galacticas last squadron of Viper Mark VIIs. Battlestar Galactica RPG D20 - Fan Made. # 3. The priestess from the miniseries isnt blind. This was written some time in 2009 (probably). Status: Complete. URL: Battlestar Prometheus Actually, thats not entirely fair. That might work, if not for the fact that they are literally just the BSG characters, with a different name, and the author saying Look! Lt. Karl Helo Agathon is Boomers Electronic Combat Officer, or ECO. Change). It regurgitates, it bores, and it makes mistake after mistake after mistake. Frakked up was a way of life, and it was exactly what Kara deserved. +3 more. Rumor has it that Prometheus would be found by Galactica during the second season. school of professional studies acceptance rate duplexes for rent in lebanon, mo duplexes for rent in lebanon, mo Anyone reading me, my systems are down, repeat, all systems are down. Battlestar Galactica:Storm Break A work of Battlestar Galactica 2003 Fanfiction By Alexander Raines (Grey Wolf Knight) . The search is quick, she finds a female priest named Irene who was part of the government delegation that had been on Prometheus for the ceremony. Caprica, do you think we can make it? Sam asks. My mother once told me that you opposed her joining the Colonial Fleet, Alicia says. Right. With that, we come to the end of Battlestar Prometheus. This group does not have any discussions yet. We start with yet another authors note. Media: TV show/multimedia comics franchise Maybe. vv380. My mother would kill me for telling you this, but she once told me something, Alicia says. Did you mean the DRADIS readout begins to flash?