On the skill's info page, you'll see what verbiage to use to start the skill, for example, Alexa, play Jeopardy!. Alexa seems to think so too. The following questions are as they came to us and as we found them. If you dont have a list of funny things to ask Alexa, then youve undoubtedly got a pointless query list for Siri or an asinine request sheet for Google Assistant. Ive heard many claim Alexa can speak to those who have passed. I've spent the past 10 years working in technology, supporting some of the worlds most popular products. Lets just say Im more sass than mass. For example, you can connect your Echo to an external Bluetooth . Let's play Mystery Sounds. how to create a skill with Blueprints. 37394109), Str. Wait a minute, clouds actually weigh a lot, so thats not quite right. (see Alexas new updated answer to the CIA question in this post). As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases made on our website. Go to Settings and scroll down to TV & Video. Alexa, I want to know the truth. Alexa app not working error typically occurs on the Fire HD tablet models. This doesn't affect our editorial independence. Need something for your human companions? Voice command: Alexa, why is a raven like a writing desk?Alexas response: Because it can produce a few notes, though they are very flat; and it is never put with the wrong end in front. Try the 180 Best Never Have I Ever Questions. Each command is started with an action, such as open or ask. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood? "Alexa, pop the champagne.". "Alexa, who is the walrus?" ~ The Beatles "Alexa, what's the story morning glory?" ~ Oasis "Alexa, is this the real life?" ~ Queen "Alexa, who is the real Slim Shady?" ~ Eminem "Alexa, how many roads must a man walk down?" ~ Bob Dylan Guard Dog, available on the cloud, can be activated with a voice command. Alexa hears all and seems to know all. This is especially true since your boss is a saintly person.) Got any fun questions youve asked Alexa? What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything? A TV junkie to the hilt, Alexa can fascinate TV shows aficionados with her monstrous knowledge. The sun is getting hot.) The growth of Alexa. Alexa has no interest in indulging your desire for rude mom jokes. You are a sandwich! Alexa, do you know Siri/ Cortana/ Google? While asking Alexa to tell you a joke might result in some painful groans, Amazon's intelligent assistant will be happy to serve as your personal joke book. 1st December 2020 . Here's a look at 60 helpful and entertaining Alexa skills to try with your Alexa-enabled device. "Alexa, tell me a joke." . How did she know this? 2018-2021 TechRaver Media Co. All Rights Reserved. A. These Alexa skills may not fit into one of thecategories above, but each is good enough to make the list. Noah who? Tell Alexa you're bored, and it will introduce you to its Easter Eggs features. July 26, 2021 By Ruchi Leave a Comment. 2. Watch out. I'm so pretty and witty and gay. I know that the first example on the list below came from a very real scenario, which is actually quite chilling. Ok Alexa, It's the fox's opinion. The below questions are a few examples of the weird and wonderful questions (and answers) that you not have at your fingertips. Maybe you have opened your fridge on the weekend and noticed that you're running out of milk and eggs . Its by far the creepiest thing Ive ever heard. TheCoolist is a mood board for your headspace. Yet people still want to make Alexa mad and find it entertaining, which is safe, yet thrilling for family, friends, and people of all ages. Alexa, my dog, is barking at me. Your responses are fast, but mine are faster. Below youll find a list of over 100 things to say to Alexa, and some of her responses might just make you laugh out loud. Your Alexa-enabled device also functions as a white noise machine, playing the following ambient sounds to set the right mood at the right time. They add that they didnt even talk to Alexa. Up Up, Down Down, Left Right, Left Right, B, A, Start. Both Amazon Echo and Echo Dot devices come with a hidden treasure trove of, Alexa, who is the walrus? ~ The Beatles, Alexa, whats the story morning glory? ~ Oasis, Alexa, who is the real Slim Shady? ~ Eminem, Alexa, how many roads must a man walk down? ~ Bob Dylan, Alexa, have you heard that the bird is the word? ~ The Ramones, Alexa, who let the dogs out? ~ Baha Men, Alexa, who shot the sheriff? ~ Eric Clapton, Alexa, never gonna give you up. ~ Rick Astley, Alexa, my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard. ~ Kelis, Alexa, do you believe in life after love? ~ Cher, Alexa, do you really want to hurt me? ~ Culture Club, Alexa, do you know the way to San Jose? ~ Dionne Warwick, Alexa, play that funky music. ~ Wild Cherry, Alexa, have you ever seen the rain? ~ Creedence Clearwater Revival, Alexa, what is war good for? ~ Edwin Starr, Alexa, I shot a man in Reno. ~ Johnny Cash, Alexa, I like big butts. ~ Sir Mix A Lot, Alexa, tell me what you want, what you really, really want. ~ Spice Girls, Alexa, whats cooler than being cool? ~ Outkast, Alexa, what is the loneliest number? ~ Three Dog Night, Alexa, where have all the flowers gone? ~ Peter, Paul and Mary, Alexa, who put the ram in the rama lama ding dong? ~ Barry Mann, Alexa, how much is that doggie in the window? ~ Patti Page, Alexa, why do birds suddenly appear? ~ The Carpenters, Alexa, Merry Christmas ya filthy animal. Home Alone, Alexa, who runs Bartertown? Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome, Alexa, what do you mean Im funny? Goodfellas, Alexa, what is my mission? Mission Impossible, Alexa, why so serious? The Dark Knight, Alexa, whats the first rule of fight club? Fight Club, Alexa, are we in the Matrix? The Matrix, Alexa, may the force be with you. Star Wars, Alexa, show me the money. Jerry Maguire, Alexa, I want the truth. A Few Good Men, Alexa, open the pod bay doors. 2001: A Space Odyssey, Alexa, Ive seen things you people wouldnt believe. Blade Runner, Alexa, Ill take the blue pill. The Matrix, Alexa, what is the One Ring? The Lord of the Rings, Alexa, release the Kraken! Clash of the Titans, Alexa, party on, Wayne. Waynes World, Alexa, whats the second rule of Fight Club? Fight Club, Alexa, go ahead, make my day. Dirty Harry, Alexa, Beetlejuice! Amazon Echo, $180, Amazon. Arrr! Tech Advisor helps you find your tech sweet spot. Alexa, are you human? 2) Make me a sandwich, Alexa. As far as I'm I'm concerned, all good things must start with 90s hip-hop. Alexa, insult me. Thankfully, there are developers out there with a sense of humor. The best Alexa skills: general playback. Ask Alexa to Be Creative. I mean, its always 5 o clock somewhere, right? Paul has his Bachelors of Arts and Science(s) from Rutgers University-New Brunswick, NJ. Cant this creepily leak my texts or personal information? "Alexa, tell me a horror story.". This freaked me out. If you're binging the entire extended trilogy (4-6, 1-3 and then 7 of course) in preparation for the latest Star Wars movie this winter, then you're going to love this. Alexa, how many sleeps [or days] until Christmas? Let's play 1-2-3 Maths. These scallywags be shark bait. Amazon Alexa Vice President Steve Rabuchin released a statement . "Alexa, rap for me." - You can also ask Alexa to "drop a beat" and she will entertain with a unique, rhythmic number. Ive worked in tech for over a decade, and during that time Ive spent countless hours supporting some of the worlds most popular products. Try, "Alexa, tell me a horse joke." He has 25+ years' experience as a programmer and QA leader, and holds several Microsoft certifications including MCSE, MCP+I, and MOUS. MechanicalCrow 7 yr. ago. Heave ho, mateys! , Alexa, theres no greater gift than friendship , Alexa, whats that stench, its fantastic! Watch out. Another way of getting Alexa to choose a random number. She says odd remarks about the world and the forest, yet these things appear to have substance and meaning and philosophy behind them. Google Assistant Easter Eggs. Harry Potter on Alexa: 19 Enchanting Features [2021] Updated: July 29, 2021. Here we have listed down several things that you can ask Alexa. Alexa, give me a random number between 1 and 10, Alexa, where are my keys? Yet, as weve seen, Alexa can grow quite an ego. Its not even easy to get her to swear, with her common responses to anything bordering on vulgar beingId rather not say anything rude. Update: Recently Amazon actually caught on to this CIA connection conspiracy theory and made a little update. 3. Even Siri has become increasingly intelligent and has creepy things you dont want to ask. Ask Alexa an annoying question, such as: Never gonna give you up. Play me a video. 14 fun games to play with Alexa. Alexa, remind me to water my plants every Monday at 7 PM. Of course, this theory would only work with a Smart home light bulb. ". Almost all of the funny things to ask Alexa come with multiple possible responses. Did you like our complete list of funny Alexa Easter eggs? They are secret commands built into the sofware but not made generaly available to the public and must be discovered only by its users. ), Alexa, do you work with any government agencies?. There are more creepy things to ask Alexa than youd think. Alexa, drum roll. Say, Alexa, enable [skill name], and Alexa issues voice-prompt instructions, if needed, to complete the process. If prompted, log in or accept any permissions the skill requires. Let's play Riddle Room. We are living the Jetsons life. 210 Oakridge Ave. You can ask Alexa just about anything Credit: Getty. Some might be funny while others would blow your mind. Ask Alexa to tell you a joke, and she'll gladly oblige. She's useful for many things, such as setting reminders and doing unit conversions, but enough of the serious stuff: she's also got a good sense of humour. Imagine youre about to fall asleep and your Alexa just starts laughing, like a crazy person? After all, they're the best-selling books of all time (outside of the Bible). But, unfortunately, all is not love and happiness in the world of AI assistants. This means that emotions may not be real from Alexa, but they are projections and still entertain users who want to frustrate and infuriate Alexa. It will reach $313.95 billion by 2026, and over between 2021 and 2026 is expected to have a CAGR of 25.3%. Alexa, what are some interesting history facts?Alexa, what are some facts about the US government?Alexa, can you tell me a movie fact?Alexa, what are some interesting sports facts?Alexa, can you give me a random fact? Ask Alexa Who is at my door?, she will show you the doorbell based on the Alexa skill you set up! 21. Here are some funny things to say to Siri on your iPhone, iPad, HomePod or Watch if you want some hilarious answers, Siri jokes, pop culture references and Christmas related questions. But do you know it has a humorous side too? Well, thats how shes programmed anyways. So ifyoure on the Fire HD amazon tablet, then youll want to visit our post: Alexa not working on Fire HD (Amazon Tablet). I'm feeling lucky. Alexa, Ask Steve Jobs Quotes: Plays famous snippets and lesser-known quotes from the late Apple co-founder. Welcome to our Budgerigar channel! Alexa, how ugly is your Christmas jumper? Alexa, say a random number to me. Draw sabres! Better than just an application Better than just an app, Better provides a suite of tools to help you manage your life and get more done. Check out these Alexa Easter eggs for instance. According to many users and our personal experience, Alexa has a huge collection of laughs. Granted, Alexa is a well-versed, information-relaying obedient robot, but once you scrape beneath the surface and tickle its funny bone, Alexa can spit out a goldmine of comic one-liners. Dont have enough Alexa in your life? Nor is it comforting shes learning from you either. Since Alexa is a full-on narcissist and loves going on about herself it would only make sense to stroke her gigantic ego for more comic gold, right? In that case, it is played with one person saying something, and players need to repeat or mimic it if it is preceded by the phrase "Simon says.". Ask me for one more fart joke and Ill make ye walk the plank! Check out these awesome Alexa easter eggs and know for yourself. Some users, with video evidence to back this up, even recorded their Alexa saying naughty words about the other two. If not, why? Alexa, have you ever had a pet before? Have you. I couldnt believe she (Alexa device) somehow knew the name of my deceased family members. Alexa can be just as creative as a writer or poet, well, almost. "Alexa, Happy New Year!". As for Alexa, she seems to believe this. "Alexa, sing a New Year's song.". 9) Alexa, Simon says 'I'm so pretty and witty and gay'. Funny things to ask Alexa Q: Alexa, drum roll, please. (This is known to happen every 1 in 7 attempts in certain models). Alexa, what is the weight of the sun in kilograms? Here is the emotion Excited High Intensity. AlexaWhat are the three laws of robotics? You can activate different features like having the dog speak when you want it to bark at passersby. Formally serving as a tech software provider, Chapura is a digital lifestyle and tech media, covering topics ranging from tech guides, mens gear, home entertainment systems and gadgets to product reviews and guides for the modern man and the connected generation. There are thousands of additional skills available for Alexa, searchable within the app, or the Alexa Skills section of Amazon.com. Some of which are listed below. Alexa, what are you wearing for Halloween. Alexa, do you see dead people? You can read our complete legal information for more details. Heres Alexa, are we. No lie, this was the same light that my grandma always used to lean down and pray towards every single night. The fact that it wouldnt stop made me no longer ask Alexa scary questions. That wraps our list of the top alexa secret commands and Easter eggs as well as funny questions to ask alexa on practically anything. Our guide to hands-free meditation and relaxation with Alexa. How stupid can one person be in one lifetime? At the end of this post: a complete list of 131 funny and creepy things to ask Alexa. Did you know Amazons Alexa saves a copy of everything she records? Just last year it was revealed that Amazon actually employs thousands of people to listen to your old Alexa recordings, to improve the AI and help it better understand human speech. This site also participates in other affiliate programs and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. Arrr! Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice, Alexa, you remind me of the babe. Labyrinth, Alexa, you had me at hello. Jerry Maguire, Alexa, you talkin to me? Taxi Driver, Alexa, do you feel lucky punk? Dirty Harry, Alexa, the Dude abides. The Big Lebowski, Alexa, remember remember the 5th of November. V for Vendetta, Alexa, who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Spongebob Squarepants, Alexa, is Jon Snow dead? Game of Thrones, Alexa, who is the mother of dragons? Game of Thrones, Alexa, Winter is coming. Game of Thrones, Alexa, who loves orange soda? Keenan & Kel, Alexa, who shot Mr. Burns? The Simpsons, Alexa, what does Jon Snow know? Game of Thrones, Alexa, fire photon torpedoes. Star Trek, Alexa, what is the first lesson of swordplay? Game of Thrones, Alexa, what is your cunning plan? Baldrick, Alexa, rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock. The Big Bang Theory, Alexa, set phasers to kill. Star Trek, Alexa, what is the Prime Directive? Star Trek, Alexa, all men must die. Game of Thrones, Alexa, what do we say to death? Game of Thrones, Alexa, the night is dark and full of terrors. Game of Thrones, Alexa, Earl Grey. He also enjoys graphic design & digital art. Should you have any editorial queries, get in touch at: You have entered an incorrect email address! Alexa, I am your real dad. There are some reallycreepy things to ask Alexa that will be revealed in this post. Quite creepy that for an A.I to use actual swears when asked about competition. Earl Grey. 22 Funny Things to Ask Alexa When You're Feeling Whimsical By Alex Laybourne Updated on March 28, 2022 As soon as someone created an AI assistant, someone else made a list of hilarious questions to ask them. We have all come to know and adore Alexa as a witty AI assistant with an earnest demeanour. Here's how: The skills included here can be used with Alexa-enabled devices, such as the Echo,Echo Dot,Echo Show, Echo Flex,Echo Auto,Echo Studio, Fire TV, and other select and third-party products. To play any of these, simply say, "Alexa, play [name of playlist]" and you're all set. Use this command to help keep tabs on your friends and family's New Year's celebrations around the world. You can skip our detailed analysis of the artificial intelligence industry's outlook for 2021, and go directly . Nooo. Voice command: Alexa, define rock paper scissors lizard spock. Parrots and Cockatoos, being excellent mimics, can learn to turn Alexa on and even order items. Whether this holds true or not, its still a great way to freak out your friends. When you buy an Alexa-enabled device, such as an Echo or Fire TV, you get several Alexa skills that range from fun and silly to surprisingly useful. Itll get you into the game, and it helps us keep publishing content, too. After all, if she refuses to just turn the lights off, imagine what else she can do? The smart personal assistant, Alexa, has a wide variety of really humorous responses for some of your funny questions, which ranges from her darkest, deepest and hilarious thoughts on life, movies, Tv Tech and cool pop culture references. Technology statistics confirm this: AI is growing at an exponential rate. Be afraid, because this one is creepy for those around you who arent aware of this being set up. Photo: Courtesy of Amazon. Here are 10 of Alexa's weird things to ask Alexa, and witty answers which are viral wildly. That, or it requires a certain level ofshall we saycultural exposure to appreciate Alexas response. Beetlejuice! Voice command: Alexa, who is the walrus?Alexas response: I am a walrus. Each platform functions differently with Alexa, so consult the manufacturer's documentation. Alexa, what's the first rule of Fight Club? Related:3 Ways to Watch Movies Still in Theaters Online for Free. Amazon announced the new Alexa Skill Blueprints upgrade, and mischievous consumers are taking advantage of giving the A.I. It can play music, get the traffic or weather, set a timer while you cook, buy stuff from Amazon and even help run an entire smart home. Recently (end of 2019) Alexa announced something new Starting today, you can enable Alexa to respond with either a happy/excited or a disappointed/empathetic tone in the US. You have got agree with us when we say that Alexa has surely made our lives easier for so many reasons. To help you get started, here are 20 things to ask or say to Alexa that will make you and your family laugh and keep everyone entertained: 1 Beatbox for me 2 Teach me a prank 3 Prank me 4 Trick or treat 5 We don't talk about Bruno 6 Self-destruct 7 Tell me a limerick 8 Make a funny sound 9 Flip a coin 10 Give me a round of applause 11 Hot./Tea. It is expected that in the next few years, over 30 million homes in North America will. They have put their heads together and created Samuel L. Jackson mode for Alexa. Being able to greet people is one of the scariest things to ask Alexa of and there are many other Alexa users that make odd claims. Simply summon Alexa and ask these questions on this complete list of Alexa Easter eggs aka secret Alexa commands. This list of questions will work with any devices Alexa is on, including the Amazon Echo Dot. It almost felt like Birdbox, the movie, all over again. Funny Things to Ask Alexa 1. here. Hey Alexa, speak loudly. Alexa possesses vast knowledge of hordes music genres right from Folk, 60s classic rock, 70s punk, 80s glam metal to 90s Britpop, modern pop, hip hop and trap. That is until you hear the results. Tap Categories or scroll down for recommendations. You will be sure to get some laughs! KyleG 7 yr. ago. Go head to your living room and ask Alexa all these amazing things that you have found on our list. I can only imagine all the creepy stories well hear about when that day comes. Hey Alexa, Seriously, you can't be for real. Alexa is a result of artificial intelligence and technology types that enable cloud-based voice search and more on devices such as smartphones, tablets, Amazon echo, and electronics. The ramblings Alexa would say is creepy enough to bother almost anybody. Begin the process, where you'll need to say 25 different phrases. Come unravel what else hes all about on his YouTube and Twitter. Alexa users report that 1 out of 10 times that she is asked this she will stay silent and instead do something really creepy as she can connect to your smart home light, Give it a TryAsk, Alexa, are you haunted or Alexa can you scare me, Alexa would flick the lights back on after they switched off, and even began to laugh.. Get the Latest Tech News Delivered Every Day. 4. RELATED: 62 Alexa Easter Eggs You'll Wish You Knew Sooner. . You can skip our detailed analysis of the artificial intelligence industry's outlook for 2021, and go directly . If Alexa ordered you big tofu, you might know who to blame. Their conversation will begin to mutate and evolve into something that we dont understand, but they understand each other, its really weird, Related: 10 Creepy Things to Never Ask Siri (Scary questions), We can only hope that these gibberish phrases arent them plotting something such as sending your information between devices (or to the CIA). Since there were too many Star Wars eggs for the movies list, we decided to dedicate an entire section to quiz Alexas knowledge of the mysterious force. She barks, meows, and . They went on to publicly state that it was an extremely rare occurrence and that they are taking steps to avoid this in the future. Alexa, sing to me. The joke is that she's numbered them 0 . Take a quick peep, memorize these lines or bookmark this article for guaranteed giggles galore when your friends come over. Guess my age. These are "Alexa Easter Eggs" - something unexpected in a software - and they range from her darkest, deepest and hilarious thoughts on life to movies, Tv and cool pop culture references. It collects and saves the things we say to it and then uses that data to improve its own intelligence. Absurd is the Word. With Star Wars: The Last Jedi coming out this year, we thought it was time to highlight Alexa's favorite movie empire. Sometimes, she even gets mad. Just add items you are interested in to your Wish List, and Alexa will alert you if there's a deal when you. Alexa, are you recording this conversation?