See my husband has always meditated, but the issue in our marriage started when he was trying to get into this certain type of meditation called loving kindness meditation. Twenty seven years, Im finally in the spotlight, huh? Ah, well you shall see them again, but not in the afterlife. February 6, 2023 Joseph Arnone. The 17 Greatest Anime Speeches of All Time - Ranker Months later, the same demon breached the barriers between dimensions and came through with a legion of minions. To you I look perhaps fifty years old, no? You frown and scowl. When my husband first told me this, I asked him to please explain himself and he said: Well you know, I grew up in Idaho, on a potato farm. That was me. The horrors! The abilities will depend on the type of villain class we have chosen. The storm raged for twenty days. Yet every time this came up, I simply role-played the sword . Im obsolete! party, holiday, funeral) I will expand this tool to include statistics for heroes, regular NPCs and a whole bunch more in the future, so stay tuned. Also shown are his weaknesses (if any) and some points of interest such as his dungeon guards, pets or army. The higher their level, the more followers and followers they will have. Burned out his eyes with a white-hot poker. When it was my husbands time to meditate and he couldnt find his potatoes, I told him I wanted to share the happiness of potatoes with the homeless. And it was not a quick death. As far back as I can remember, I have always . And their fiery blood flowed and flowed melting rock until it emerged on the surface. But not me! This doppleganger is not a mere copy, but a replication so precise and exact that the soul's own closest kin would be unable to detect the cheat. Dramatic Monologues - Daily Actor It's very funny and lampoons a lot of the lessons we've learned above. Take your career and your day rate to the next level. Fucking bitch. Villain Quotes - BrainyQuote He drops to the ground and immediately teleports. Do the animals and creatures of the wild not have a right to live in peace? I'm thinking about the villain monologue from Training Day, where Denzel tells us about King Kong. You think Bush and Cheney didnt know about that shit? Villain generator - Roll for Fantasy Fuck the church that protects them, delivering us into evil. Our next story hook was supposed to be in that dialogue apparently. He goes on about rats, questioning the farmer on why there is such instant disdain for the rodent. His methods may be evil his ends are more ambiguous, but still a fair bit insane. Seventh Sanctum - Villain Generator On occasion, raw, unadulterated violence is necessary. The input of the monologue generator is a goal to describe an ob- ject from the knowledge base. Pin 4. You know?. It is a very useful tool to bring the world to life, since these villains have a role that, perhaps, has nothing to do a priori with the players. Some are born swifter afoot, some with greater beauty. Oh, I see that the "True heroes of old," have finally arrived- it is a pity th-. villain monologue generator . The monologue mechanic has changed the way I think about my villains. But at the end of this the king ends up slumping to the ground and dying. But seeing him therein our study on his cushion. Privacy Policy. I think all of us have a hero and a villain in us. So then I offer you this alternative. Well in the current campaign they are going to run into this "king" again dressed in rags at the bottom of a deep dark wet cave system. 10. An a moment of pique, I cursed the gods. Death. That kinda stuff is great in books, but boring for players. What if finding spectacular monologues was as easy as rubbing a magic lamp? We had potato sack races. And for this supposed crime I have been plagued with nightmares of such hideous and vivid quality that even a single instant would drive you mad. None were spared. They have to stop mid-evil monologue to get a child a glass of water. This is done locally in the browser, so you can close it, come back another time and still load your previous work assuming you didn't use incognito mode or cleared all your browser data. The local temple recruited young children into their cult. Monologue, by Phil Dougherty, Nick Heindl and Tyler Summers, is a sweet little game that's sure to please typing enthusiasts keep up with the villain's spiel by typing his words as he speaks . - If you need original factual content such as Evil Villain blogs etc, Article Forge is amazing. This is a list of the top 10 Evil Villains for 2023. His ears I fried and fed to my dogs. Join For Free Now!! That movie is built on the villains delivering monologue after monologue, talking about the reasons for their crimes. GUNS BLAZIN!!!. Blackmagic Design Makes Cloud-Based Editing Workflows Even More Affordable, 10 Questions a Beginning Cinematographer Might Ask (With Answers! There are numberless millions who have perished on this world. And only then will the full brilliance and awful power of my exquisite plan be truly revealed. Fuck the squeegee men dirtying up the clean windshield of my car. Dr. Are your parents still living? he says. And when they got rid of Frank Underwood, they just had his replacement do it as well. With a potato. 7. Youre semi-evil. I hand you the target, I tell you who and where. Alternatively, you could always take a screenshot to keep an image locally on your computer and perhaps edit it further by adding a character image or similar elements. They call it building. Because he started meditating. shoving me in the fucking woods You got me! I'm driven forward unlike any creature this world has ever known. Now imagine an entire populace put to death in such a manner. We were investigating a tower when a resident of the tower meets us and has us hide in a closet. It could be revealing motivations, a dastardly plan, or even just telling them a story. He was imprisoned and then executed. executed publicly. The legend has it that it was made up on the spot by Rutger Hauer. Read more. The Screenwriting Contests We Think Are Worth Entering. Savage Wombat. Mom would make these wonderful meals with potatoes as the centerpiece. First name means: "God of tradesmen and thieves." The random generator tool collates 25 items, recording famous monologues from classic cartoons. These titles can be used to inspire and give personality to the character, although it does not have to have a very elaborate background. Because, basically, I feel your pain. In this small vial, a pestilence to lay low the whole of mankind. And should you try, let me illustrate the depths of pain and torment I am willing to plumb. Villain monologues are some of the most fun moments in film and television. Though magic be a scourge upon the land, I must use the weapons of mine enemies. HAND IN THE COOKIE JAR! Behold, the Evil Plan Generator. NEVER!.. The best recent example is Nicholsons You cant handle the truth from a few good men. Hes a prankster. 7 Most Villainous Monologues. (Find out more). Just as my own brother could not stand in my way, neither shall you. A glorious holocaust shall be my vengeance! These henchmen will take care of the simpler tasks, reserving the more complicated missions for the "special henchmen", who will appear in "Strengths and Weaknesses" as renowned henchmen, with more background and personality. I don't even remember the dialogue, the shot was so great. ", No mention of Al Pacinos rant in The Devils Advocate? He gives man instincts. One of my favorite things to write is an evil monologue. The lowest levels are: Useless Henchman (many failures) and Henchman. All the simple things of a corporate role and more. Here we see someone describing their mindset, telling us what makes them tick. With this random generator you will be able to create a villain character with unique characteristics and a preceding history. No mention of Al Pacinos rant in The Devils Advocate? If you're in your 30's, don't choose a monologue for a young ingenue. Press J to jump to the feed. What use after all is Man, if not to teach God His lessons? At the very precipice of the Dark Portal, I slew demons one after another until whole new rivers, rivers composed only of blood were filled. Seek to take what is rightfully mine, and you, too, will feel my ire. Make Your Own Evil Plan - So much of what we're talking about on No Film School when it comes to screenwriting is summarized in our new eBook. Primary Concerns. Your objective is simple: Soul Accumulation. I've done many things people like you would call reprehensible or evil even. tags : hero, nobody, . A great example of a villain monologue that gives us just enough information to whet our appetite is the climactic sequence of The Dark Knight. points to a pile of dung fuck my wife? If you want to know all the credits of this post with the thanks for their authorizations and inspirational content click on, Villain phrases are the intellectual property of. The last one had survived an entire year in this hellish condition. With the corpses from horizon to horizon. The analogy is apt and i like it but it leapt out at me as something out of period. No way! No resources. And eight shall be our beacon and guide star. Fast or slow? Though he was kind enough to give the BBEG a cane and a permanent limp. When I went in I was alone, but when the storm abated, and I emerged. He turns to Marlowe and says, Thats someone I love. With holy fire wrought from pure creation, my vengeance will bring about the downfall of the kingdom. Think about it. Ten years in the country, still no speakee English. happy, sad, grumpy) An adjective that could describe an object. Beautiful isn't she. There are 10 sets of save buttons to save 10 characters at a time. Monologue 2: Captain America. No words can describe the bone-deep torment and anguish at their loss. We had a GM that loved his big baddie in a GMPC kind of way. Self-styled masters of the universe. You cant take this, how can you take the abuse you get on a sit? Loving kindness meditation is where you try to evoke feelings of safety and comfort and friendliness and love toward yourself and others. Naturally, they are always one step ahead, albeit sinister and void of morality. I said Hey, maybe try looking at me, sending loving wishes to me instead of a potato? He agreed to try it, we sat down, I sat in front of him. Have you found a spelling mistake or is the randomly generated content inappropriate? It goes on for a little while, a gentle expression of deep abiding love. Villain Name Generator The ULTIMATE Bank of 50,000+ Names - Reedsy Most conquerors in such a situation would have slaughtered the whole of the citizenry. Sometimes, the greatest moments in an anime are when the characters make their voices heard. It is also important to note that we play by candlelight at the table. 7 Most Villainous Monologues. What? A place by the river, the lights on the water at night. In a moment the full brilliance of my years-long plan will become clear. Here's his Villain Speech, delivered to Van Heflin as Joe Starrett with Starrett's 8-year-old son, played by Brandon deWilde, looking on (I'm paraphrasing from memory): RYKER. This is when the people I played with finally understood they were playing murderhobos. But shall I tell you how you will die? Thrice! This unethical super-villain has insect powers, and is spurred onward by power-lust. If you have better ones, tell me in the comments. Press the generator button to generate an evil villain and details. And dont even get me started on the Dominicans, cause they make the Puerto Ricans look good. She is often kidnapping media stars to achieve her goals. The best monologues from villains. I want him to look at me the way he looks at the potato. The Evil Villain generator currently can create over 24,068,540,160 unique results. Top Quotes About Villains. Then we fired the city so that no structures remained. Voice Age: Young Adult. Both have a more important role than the previous ones, even having under their command. Try and avoid the Scooby Doo style monologue at the end, where a . We gratefully acknowledge the content provided for Predestination by author Karl Franz and David Saul Graffam. Evil Plot:Control the world's supply of tea, 6. The Villain's Monologue - Kiingo I once cloistered up in an infernal maze of most magnificent magical design the entire populace of a city. Last time. You think this is abuse? Scar ( The Lion King) One of Disney's most angsty and melodramatic villains, Scar is responsible for one of the most heartbreaking deaths. Villain Quotes (177 quotes) - Goodreads There are so many options to choose from and they are all so cool. Villain phrases are the intellectual property of Evil Overlord and his Legions of Terror roster. Fuck my father with his endless grief, standing behind that bar, sipping on club soda, selling whiskey to firemen and cheering the Bronx Bombers. Featured Monologues. It's a really fun way to keep the audience invested. His torment continued for 72 days and nights. Revenge. Jan 19, 2007. It captures the idea of how clones view the modern world and if they have deeper thoughts. Your Objective: Your Motive: Base of Operations: Type of Henchmen: Stage One: People: Stage Two: Monuments: . With the most complex, and arcane ritual I shall bring crashing down upon this land a cataclysm so great that life of any kind would be hard pressed to survive anywhere upon this fetid globe. In "Cold Snap", the villain is an Evil Genius who has spent decades stewing over various perceived slights, including a defeat by the hero's mentor fifty years earlier. For therein lies my ultimate victory and your doom! An awed jarvik7 states "Network is choke-full of great monologues!" Villains are mostly shown to be delusional rather than right but on this occasion, Jensen makes a good point by reminding Beale that he is opposing something he doesn't truly understand. The Abomination. But behold! - Race and Gender: These fields show whether you are a male, female and what race you belong to. Taste, dont swallow. ruin Your Incarnation. This is my promise to you. Who, in their right mind Kevin, could possibly deny the twentieth century was entirely mineALL OF IT KEVIN!! This serves as a culmination of his journey.